Sensory Skills and Activities

Fun Beach Ball Playdough Sensory Activity for Kids - Perfect for Summer Play!
Discover a creative and engaging beach ball playdough sensory activity for kids! This summer-themed activity is perfect for keeping little ones entertained and enhancing their fine motor skills. Ideal for preschoolers and toddlers, this activity encourages creativity, sensory exploration, and fun in the sun! Perfect for parents, teachers, and caregivers looking for summer crafts and sensory play ideas.
Play-Dough Color Sorting Activity - Toddler at Play
Great toddler activity to encourage cognitive skills, learn colors and improve fine and small motor skills. Easy to set up and fun!
26 Portable Sensory Processing Disorder Toys and Activities
26 Sensory Integration Activities for Kids | Looking for portable games, activities, and toys to support your child’s sensory needs at home, in therapy and in the classroom while also developing language, communication, self-regulation, and motor skills? These exposure therapy ideas are perfect for parents and special needs teachers of kids with autism, SPD, and ADHD! #sensoryprocessingdisorder #sensoryprocessingdisorderactivities #SPD #specialneeds #specialneedsactivities
Color Sorting Sensory Bag
Create your own catepillar color sorting sensory bag! A fun sensory bag to teach colors and practice fine motor skills. Click the "..." to see the full post for details!
Easy Sensory Activity for Summer
We have been loving this easy toddler summer activity; reusable water balloons! I'm sharing our favorite reusable water balloons plus why we love them! An easy sensory activities for toddlers and little kids, sensory play, summer sensory activity, summer sensory play, water table play.
Alphabet Sift and Find - Busy Toddler
Alphabet Sift and Find - check out this seriously fun and easy toddler activity! It's a combination of literacy and sensory fun - an alphabet learning activity for toddlers and preschoolers. #Teachingtoddlers
Fun Proprioceptive Activities Kids Love - The OT Toolbox
Proprioception sensory activities are a great way to encourage attention, focus, and calming self-regulation for kids. Find out how to determine signs that your child isn't getting enough propioceptive input and how to help them get regulated! #propioceptive #sensory #sensorydiet #sensoryactivities #occupationaltherapy