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72K views · 2.2K reactions | Incredible exercise for your pelvicfloor, core, #psoas + nervous system. A strong or functional #pelvicfloor + core is not just about what’s going on in the actual muscles of the pelvic floor. 💡 The pelvic floor is influenced by the surrounding muscles / tissues + its “strength“ + function is very much dependent on what’s going on in the neighboring tissues. Many of us, without meaning to / realizing it have incredibly tight, tense abs. ☹️ We have been well conditioned to suck them in all the time + many clench our #abs to cope with difficult situations. However, excess tension in the abs can create tension + pressure in the pelvic floor. If you are dealing with #hypertonicpelvicfloor, #prolapse, #vulvodynia, #pelvicpain it is so important to find the sources of excess tension + begin to address them. This is an excellent exercise to release abdominal tension + pelvic floor pressure. I am using an inflatable ball. Anything between 4” - 9” would be appropriate. The practice is very intuitive: roll the ball all around your abs in the way that feels right for you. Side abs / obliques tend to carry a lot of tension. Tight obliques are quite a big culprit in both #diastasisrecti + #pelvicfloordysfunction. So I like to hone in on that area. With diastasis recti- I would just recommend to avoid the midline. ✅ I love the exercise because it is intentional + intentional movements are phenomenal for the #nervous system. The nervous system controls our entire body. Immunity, metabolic health, gut, health, reactivity, pain. With healing, we have to take into account #nervoussystemregulation + do meaningful, even if incredibly short exercises every day to reinforce a more calm, regulated system. Especially with pelvic floor health. ✅ Bonus points here for #vagusnerve stimulation here! As you do this, it’s not about smashing tension, but rather releasing it kindly. If you come at this with “tackle“ energy, rather than “tame” energy, you might be reinforcing old patterns. 💜 Be guided with a comprehensive + intentional pelvic floor + core rehab program used by over 10,000 people - join my Restore Your Core program online. 🔗 In my profile. | Lauren Ohayon: Core, Pelvic Floor + More Movement
18 Tips To Strengthen Your Pelvic Floor (That Aren’t Kegels)