CLAIRVOYANCE: Clear Sight 3rd Eye

Affirmations: I am profoundly Clairvoyant-Doreen Virtue. #clearsight #spiritual
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We are all highly intuitive. It’s just we often don’t want to hear what our intuition has to say. We want our intuition to say: You’re doing great, you're special, you need never do what you don't want to or feel any pain and everything will be fine. When really it’s saying: Leave this situation. It’s sucking your will to live. Yes this will be a hard choice and it will hurt a lot, but it’s necessary to your spiritual evolution, or No, you'll not get any accolades but do it anyway ~Carolyn Myss
☼ Solsticio ☼
➰ The Universe sends us directions through our intuition; and we receive them through an inner voice, a tug in the heart, a sense, a vibe, a deep inner thought, a feeling, a certain subtle knowing, an energy that directs us along the way. We each feel this intuition in a different way, and because it is subtle, it can be elusive. If we pay attention we can all feel it in the center of our hearts flowing through our veins, like a deep inborn guidance system wired to the Divine (art; Coyote Negro)
BALANCED Sixth Chakra Energy: highly intuitive, insightful, charismatic, open to guidance, not afraid of death, not attached to material things, can experience telepathy, past lives or astral travel, self-fulfilled, can be celibate, mystical, clairvoyant and may experience higher self, cosmic consciousness {art;Santa Herejía}
There are certainly times in your life when Angels have helped you - and they will continue to do so.
Perugino - Archangel Raphael with Tobias (1499)
Pietro Perugino (1446-152310 : Archangel Raphael with Tobias (detail of Polytych of Certosa Di Pavia, 1499. National Gallery, London. Oil on panel.