Food and drink

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Carbonara recipe is made extra creamy by adding 1 common ingredient - not cream
Carbonara recipe is made extra creamy by adding 1 common ingredient - not cream
This may contain: some food is on a white plate with sprinkles and seasoning around it
Charred cabbage & Miso tofu | Vegan lunch |
30min · 2 servings Ingredients: • 1 Cabbage • 1 tbsp sesame oil • 1 tsp sea salt • 1/2 tsp white miso • 1 tsp tahini • 1 tsp Rice wine vinegar • 300g silken tofu • 10g chives • 1-2 tbsp crispy chili oil • 2 tbsp toasted sesame seeds
This may contain: three pieces of food on a wooden cutting board with limes and cilantro
crispy coconut rice and sticky salmon parcels | donna hay
This recipe is genius in so many ways. To make the most delicious golden crispy coconut rice spread the flavoured rice into home compostable bake paper boats. Top with fragrant sticky salmon in a glaze of ginger and lime. Add a few fresh and zesty toppings and you have created the prefect parcel of deliciousness. Ready for your next casual dinner with friends or a super yum midweek dinner. In partnership with Glad
Orange Glazed Salmon
Orange Glazed Salmon is a quick and easy, family-friendly dinner recipe. This sweet and savory dish requires just 5 ingredients and 15 minutes to prepare. | #salmon #orangesalmon #seafood #recipe #dinner
Nigella Lawson salmon recipe with world's 'healthiest veg' is 'super comforting'
Nigella Lawson salmon recipe with world's 'healthiest veg' is 'super comforting'
Caitlin Latessa-Greene on Instagram: "SOY ROASTED CABBAGE WEDGES WITH WHIPPED TAHINI & PISTACHIOS! Dang this is so easy & too good not to make🤤 • For the cabbage: 1 tbsp coconut or olive oil 1/2 medium green cabbage, cut into two equal wedges 2/3 cup veggie broth 1 1/2 tbsp tamari soy sauce 1/2 tsp salt Pepper to taste • For the sauce: 3-4 tbsp water 3 tbsp tahini 1/4 tsp cumin 1/4 tsp salt Pepper to taste Juice of 1/2 lime 1 clove garlic 1 small date • For the toppings: Pistachios, finely chopped Fresh cilantro, finely chopped • 1️⃣Preheat the oven to 425. 2️⃣Heat a medium cast iron skillet over medium-high heat, add the oil then sear the cabbage on each side for 3-4 minutes. The wedges should be browned. Flip the cabbage so the wedges are facing up. 3️⃣Add the broth and the tamari to
Oriana Severino Lastra on Instagram: "EMPANADA DE POLLO✅ALTA EN PROTEÍNA✅SIN HARINAS✅SIN GLUTEN RECUERDA DEJARME TU ❤️GUARDAR Y COMPARTIR ESTA RUCA RECETA 🥰 Tienes que probar esta idea porque está buenísima. A mi me gusta acompañarla con un buen plato de ensalada o verduras salteadas 😋 INGREDIENTES 🥟250 gr. de carne de pollo o pavo molida 🥟4 cdas de queso parmesano en polvo 🥟Especias al gusto, yo utilicé ajo, cebolla y cúrcuma 🥟Opcional para rellenar: tomate, queso havarti bajo en grasa y albahaca PREPARACIÓN 🥟Mezcla la carne de pollo con la sal, la pimienta, la cúrcuma, el ajo y la cebolla 🥟Extiende la mezcla dándole forma rectangular sobre un papel de horno. Coloca en uno de los extremos el relleno, ciérrala con la ayuda del papel y sella bien los bordes 🥟Llévala a la
Riverford on Instagram: "Crispy potato stacks 🥔Somewhere between a roastie and a rosti, these potato stacks are crisp on the outside and tender in the middle, with plenty of punchy herbs and garlic in the mix too. They make a striking alternative to roast potatoes, but you’ll need plenty of oven space if you scale them up to feed a host of people. You’ll eat far more than you think! You can play around with the flavour to your liking. These ones have a wintery festive feel, but you could just as easily use some smoked paprika for a Spanish twist, some lemon zest and tarragon for something more summery, or a few spoonfuls of harissa or chilli sauce for a fiery side. You’ll need (serves 3-4): 2-3 shallots 1kg medium sized potatoes 40g butter, or use extra olive oil for a vegan version 3 g
Sarale postres y mucho mas on Instagram: "Tarta con masa de papa! Esta se llama sbriciolata y es mi preferida de las tratas con base de papa! Con un relleno simple, espinaca, cebolla y queso Cremon! Una tarta para comer fría o caliente! INGREDIENTES * Para la base: Papas 1,2 kg, huevos 2 u, queso rallado 30 g, nuez moscada 1 pizca, sal c/n y pimienta negra c/n. * Para el relleno: Espinacas cocidas 2 atadas (250 g), cebolla salteada 2 u, queso cremoso 300 g, sal y pimienta * Otros ingredientes: Pan rallado 2 cda y manteca 20 gr. PREPARACIÓN * Hervir las papas con piel, dejarlas entibiar y pelarlas. * Deshacerlas con las manos hasta formar un puré irregular con trozos de papa. * Agregarle los huevos, queso rallado, pimienta, nuez moscada, sal y mezclar. * En el molde enmantecado esparcir un
Courtney Roulston on Instagram: "12 DELICIOUS DAYS OF CHRISTMAS Day 8: Roast Carrots with herby yoghurt, harissa & pinenut butter…AKA Cracking Christmas Carrots 🥕 Jam packed with flavour and cheap as chips to make…These come under the category of sides that steal the show!! Recipe below if you like to try them…. 1 x 1kg large carrots, sliced lengthways 2 teaspoons whole cumin seeds Sea salt and pepper to taste 2 tablespoons olive oil 1 cup Greek yoghurt Juice and zest of ¼ lemon 1/3 cup mint leaves, chopped ¼ cup dill, roughly chopped, plus extra to garnish 1 teaspoon honey ¼ cup pinenuts 40g butter, cubed 2 teaspoons harissa paste Step 1. Pre heat the oven to 180 C. Line an oven tray with baking paper and place the carrots onto the tray. Sprinkle with olive oil, sea salt and cum
Foodsteer on Instagram: "Sweet Potatoes with Spiced Mushrooms, Herbed Yoghurt & Pickles By @cheftomwalton Serves 4 Ingredients 4 medium sweet potato 3 tbsp olive oil Salt, pepper 1 small brown onion, diced 2 clove garlic, sliced 10.5oz / 300g button mushrooms, halved 10.5oz / 300g Swiss Brown mushrooms, thickly sliced 1 tsp each ground cumin & smokey paprika 2 tbsp unsalted butter 7oz / 200g baby spinach 1 cup natural yoghurt 2 tbsp each finely chopped mint & dill Zest & juice 1 lemon 1 small red onion, finely sliced 2 large dill pickle, finely sliced into rounds Handful mint, parsley, dill leaves Pinch sumac, optional Lemon wedges to serve Method Preheat an oven to 410F / 210C. Prick the potatoes a few times with a fork rub with 1 tbsp of olive oil and some