Nebulas to paint

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The Nebula Messier 78 is a reflection nebula in the constellation Orion and M78 is the brightest diffuse reflection nebula of a group of nebulae.
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Rainbow infrared light in Orion - This new view of the Orion Nebula highlights…
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Star Cluster NGC 2074 in the Large Magellanic Cloud Hubble...
Star cluster NGC 2074, lying about 170,000 light-years away near the Tarantula Nebula, observed by the Hubble Space Telescope.
"But the stars that marked our starting, fall away. We must go deeper into greater pain, for it is not permitted that we stay." ~ Dante Alighieri (The Inferno, Canto VII)
Helix Planetary Nebula
Helix Nebula..oh my sweet Lord, how SPECTACULAR is heart says it is "the eye of God" wow!!
Carina Nebula star system picture. #starsystem #space Please like and follow Rag Doll on pinterest and @RagDollMagBlog @priscillacita subscribe to