Christopher photoshoot

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Cookie Monster cake, with chocolate cake, brown sugar chocolate chip cake. Edible chocolate chip ...
Cookie Monster cake, with chocolate cake, brown sugar chocolate chip cake. Edible chocolate chip cookie dough and blue white chocolate mousse with Chips Ahoy. by Tim22455
My Little Tea Party, Event Planning & Styling on Instagram: "A Cookie Monster themed party🍪 We loved creating this awesome Cookie Monster themed 1st birthday celebration 🍪 Featuring a fully styled luxe picnic teamed with a super cool balloon installation and themed kids grazing platters ❤️ Planning and styling @mylittleteaparty Balloons @theglitzyballooncompany Grazing @stargrazingco Paperie @shinyhappyparty #mylittleteaparty #eventplanner #eventstylist #cookiemonster #cookiemonsterthemedparty #1stbirthday #1stbirthdayideas #boyspartyideas #kidsgrazing #kidspartyfood #balloondecor #ballooninstallation #tunbridgewellsmums #sevenoaksmums #bromleymums #chislehurstmums #beckenhammums #surreymums #kentpartyplanner"
@crafty_wildflower_ on Instagram: "It’s A Boy Story!🚀📚💙 Congratulations to the parents to be! • • #babyontheway #babyshower #woody #toystoryparty #toystory #disney #itsaboy #babyshowerdecor #backdropdecoration #ballooninstallation"