Bathroom Remodel

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Sleek, Space Saving Design
Wall mounted toilets bring style and space saving design to any bathroom.
What Makes a Comfortable Toilet Seat?
Discover what to look for when searching for a replacement toilet seat.
Affordable and Practical Bathroom Trends
Are you updating or renovating this year? Find out what trends you can actually use this year.
Make The Most of Your Small Bathroom
Corner toilets tuck into space that is normally unused - space saving design to make the most of your small space.
Toilet Decoration?! Why Not?
Easy and fun ways to add interest to your bathroom. Toilet decals can create seasonal flair, kiddie fun, or remind all to put the lid down. :)
What the heck IS a bidet?
A new old-fashioned bathroom addition that can help keep your family clean, is good for the environment, and uses less toilet paper.
Automatic Flushers For Hands Free Flushing
Easy to install, hygienic function, and no more 'I forgot to flush!'...hands free flushing is here!
Eight Types of Toilets
Think a toilet's a toilet? Think again!
How Smart Can A Toilet Be?
Auto open/close, auto-flushing, integrated bidet, night lights...and some even play music!
Find A New Toilet Seat!
Looking for a new toilet seat? Check this article out to determine what you should be looking for.
Electric Bidet Toilet Seats Bring The Warmth
Electric bidet toilet seats work like regular bidets but also include features such as warm water, heated air drying, and warm seats!