k-2 Kagan

34 Pins
Quiz-Quiz-Trade: A Kagan Structure
Cooperative grouping is a simple way to increase student engagement. Kagan structures provide a variety of activities that promo...
Kagan Desk Labels {Freebies} (The Teacher's Cauldron)
Do any of you use Kagan strategies in your room?? It's all about cooperative learning - team work and partners and building a classroom family, if you will. One of my favorite things that I took away
Kagan in the Primary Classroom
Great ideas for cooperative learning/Kagan structures...wow! These ideas are "out of the box" perfect! Fantastic for second and third grades!!
FREEBIE-"Quiz quiz trade" ten frame activity numbers 0-20. Use for math center (or an extra filler)
Kelly Avery Mrs Avery's Island
If you are looking for the greatest set of strategies to promote 100% student engagement and motivate your students to the "Nth Degree", I encourage you to investigate Kagan Strategies.
Cooperative Learning Strategies - Appletastic Learning
Cooperative Learning strategies and ideas. A guide with cooperative learning strategies teachers can use right away!
Books and Bilinguals
These rectangular mats are a great addition to any classroom that uses cooperative learning strategies. Simply print, laminate and trim to tape to a table of four. There are three versions: black and white, four colors (brights) and blue/green hues. Use the colors as an additional method of grouping when you need 2 or 4 groups as a class.
This file contains twenty Kagan cooperative learning strategies that you can use in your classroom. The design is polka dots that are teal, green, pink, yellow, and orange. These would be a great addition to any wall in your classroom. Simply address which poster you are going to use for the activity, have a student read out the directions and model the strategy before you begin.