Main Bathroom Redo Ideals

Want to redo main bathroom in owls but not kiddish owls. Don't want to repaint walls so walls dark brown so need a color scheme that will pop... Maybe turquoise accents or cream?
18 Pins
Try This: A Gallery Wall in the Bathroom
Maybe the bathroom isn't the first place that comes to mind for hanging art. But if you think about it, it's a spot where you spend a lot of er, contemplative time. What better place for a few (or quite a few) pieces that will lift your spirits, or just distract you while you're doing your business? A gallery wall is a great pick-me-up for a boring bathroom, and a way that even renters can make their space stand out. Here are a few rooms to inspire you.
Ceramic White OWL TOOTH Brush Holder or Pen Holder Bathroom | Etsy
Hey, I found this really awesome Etsy listing at
Powder Room Reveal full of awesome powder room ideas!
MUST PIN! Powder room reveal full of amazing powder room ideas by Designer Trapped in a Lawyer's Body! #powderroom
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Owl Drawer Pull, Farmhouse Style, Owls, Handles, Cabinet Pull, Supplies, Red Knob, Blue Drawer Pull, Creamy White Handle on Etsy, $6.75
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owl knobs/ vintage inspired /Dresser Knobs / Drawer knobs
The Decorating Files is under construction
Bathroom Storage: Ideas That Are Functional & Fabulous
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Owl Hook/Cast Iron Hook / Nursery / Aqua/ Shabby White / Lime Green / Bath Hook / Fixture / Girls Room / Towel Hook via Etsy