Direct Mail / Demand Gen Inspo

53 Pins
Hotel Daniel - LoftCube-Mailing – moodley design group
German designer Werner Aisslinger has developed the LoftCube, Florian Weitzer has put it on the roof of Hotel Daniel in Graz. And thereby possibly opened the most spectacular suite of the city.
Strelka Press: a digital platform for architecture and design writing
Strelka Press: a digital platform for architecture and design writing
Invitation for Fundació Macba #fmacba #fundaciomacba #invitation #flour #wearemucho #fundacionmacba #graphicdesign
YMCA Covid Fundraising Mailer Featured on Foldfactory's Super-Cool Fold of the Week
This week on 60-Second Super-Cool Fold of the Week, Trish Witkowski, founder of Foldfactory, recognized our client, YMCA of Dane County, for a cleverly designed fundraising mailpiece that included a stepped waterfall booklet inside. We're excited to be featured for the fourteenth time on the Fold of the Week series!
NST Direct Mail
Who says direct mail can't be classy? Ok, pretty much everyone. But that doesn't mean you can't dress it up real nice. Exploring postcard options for North Shore Title.
Pentagram partners give Garden Museum abstract new look
Pentagram partners give Garden Museum abstract new look | Design Week