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My Feelings Activities
We all have feelings, sometimes we feel happy, sometimes we feel sad, sometimes we feel silly and sometimes we feel mad. And that is o.k. Being able to talk about feelings is one of the most important things in life. It makes us feel less alone. The Feelings activities, songs and books that will be covered this week will do just that. It will help those little thinkers realize that it is ok to feel different feels.
40+ Books about Feelings for Preschoolers
Books to Teach about Feelings and Emotions
I love using picture books to teach students about emotions and feelings. In this blog post, I share 6 different picture books to help your kindergarten, first grade, and second grade students identify and handle their emotions! Head on over to read them!
Make A Face Emotions Mood Board - Family Days Tried And Tested
Make A Face Emotions Mood Board - Family Days Tried And Tested
Make a face to show your emotions