Friendships. It was hard the first time. But the second time, I dropped one like a sack of hot potatoes. Sure we still talk. But, we aren't as close as we used to be. Just like me and my first best friend were close. Until I had to move on and away from her. She didn't deserve such a good friend like me.
#best friend quotes on Tumblr
We're not perfect, we laugh too hard, we're waay too loud and we make complete fools out of ourselves, and a little too close for comfort. Our smiles are genuine and we make our drinks too strong but somehow we know that being together is what's going to make us last forever.
Love Quotes - Pictures Quotes about Love
You're a different person now, it's just sad because I miss you a lot! Strangers can become best friends just as easy as best friends can become strangers. I can think of some people that I used to be close with trying to reach out to them, but I get nothing in return. I like what Frank Ocean said, "We met for a reason, either you're a blessing or a lesson."
breakup quotes on Tumblr
Ugh I don't know how to feel or what to do without you .. You used to be my everything .. Now shit is fucked up and I don't know if we will ever be the same .. I wish things never got this bad.. I will always love you thought and miss u to the moon n back .. My sexiluv .. Goodbye 8129