Hello friends! Happy Self Care Sunday!!! Ok, so I feel like this is a big one and it’s something that I’ve learned to do this year When you feel something, don’t push it away or ignore, or deny it. FEEL it, sit with it, unpack it. Doing this has helped me a lot. Please, take care of yourself!!! #defyriseshine Sit With Your Feelings, Please Take Care Of Yourself, Sit With It, Feelings Wheel, Vision 2025, Sports Nutritionist, Self Care Sunday, Feel Something, Push It

Sit With Your Feelings

Hello friends! Happy Self Care Sunday!!! Ok, so I feel like this is a big one and it’s something that I’ve learned to do this year When you feel something, don’t push it away or ignore, or deny it. FEEL it, sit with it, unpack it. Doing this has helped me a lot. Please, take care of yourself!!! #defyriseshine


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