Face Everything And Rise

I have come a very long way before I was able to find the strength inside me and the confidence in myself. It nnow reflects the true inner of my soul. I created this board to help anyone who is going through hard times, in their life, to believe in themselves and to be encouraged to let their inner strength overcome any obstacle that they might be facing right now. Hope it helps!
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Time to take the high road!!
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www.maisonjaccollection.com Welcome to Maison Jac Collection Lifestyle Brand. We are dedicated to supporting and promoting independent suppliers and product manufacturers in the sale of their products around the world.
Never thought moving on without closure was possible, till I saw your true colors when I tried a gesture of kindness by bringing my children into your home... I can not believe that I once gave you the title of best friend forever... you were like sister to me... but sisters don't backstab eachother and certainly don't give an attitude to their sister. May God protect you and softens your cold hardened heart and heals it from all your pain and suffer. May you realise one day the harm that u done