Social and Emotional Learning

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Show your support
Are you ready to STAND with us and show the world that bullying is not ok? Check out our STAND shop for this adorable necklace that can help others STAND. #necklace #antibullying #standtogether
National Bullying Prevention Month
Come learn about National Bullying Prevention Month and what you can do to stand against bullying and help others. #standtogether #antibullying
Will You #Standwithme Against Bullying?
Learn what you can do to prevent bullying! Everyone can help prevent bullying, like parents, teachers, students etc. #stnadtogether #antibullying
Rise Above
Rise above any bullying you may experience. Stand up for yourself and others against bullying and ask for help when you need it. #standtogether #antibullying
Family Support Makes the Path Easier!
Family support - "Instruction in youth is like engraving in stone."... Yet, always weigh your options.#college #collegestudents #studytips #uni
How to help someone who is being bullied
Do you know someone who is being bullied but you don't know how to help them? Download our free handout with 10 things you can do to assist someone who is being bullied to find out! #upstander #bullyinghelp #bullyingkills
How to Deal with Relational Aggression
Relational aggression is a form of bullying that targets the relationships of others in an effort to damage them to the advantage of the bully. This is frequently seen in adolescents, especially teenage girls. Thankfully there are many ways we can combat this kind of bullying. Check out our blog post on how to deal with relational aggression and while you're there, check out more information on how to be an upstander!
5 Ways To Support the Mental Health of Someone Who is Being Bullied
One way to support someone who is being bullied is by Family connectedness is a protective factor. Connectedness is the sense of being cared for and supported. This can be with your family, peers, or school. Children and teens who have a sense of connectedness are less likely to experience negative health outcomes and more likely to do well in school. And remember, family doesn’t always mean that you’re related by blood. Being related by love is also family! #familyconnectiveness #family
How to Deal with Relational Aggression
Here are some tactics: - Eye rolling - Sarcasm - Backstabbing - Giving someone the silent treatment - Forming cliques or exclusive groups - Excluding and/or ostracizing others - Laughing at someone - Making fun of others for who they are, how they dress, or the way they look - Leaving hurtful messages on cell phones, desks, or in lockers - Refusing to share friends - Refusing to work with a classmate Check out what you can do on our blog!
Wear Lime for Mental Health Awareness
There is evidence that bullying can not only affect your mental health but it can also affect your physical health. The stress response your body goes through when you’re being bullied causes depression, among other things, which can affect every part of your physical and mental health and can last throughout your life. We can’t turn a blind eye to bullying anymore. #mentalillness #bullying
Wear Lime for Mental Health Awareness
Wear Lime Green in May, or really, any time, to show your support for those who struggle with mental illness. During the pandemic, mental health has become increasingly in the forefront of everyone’s minds. People are starting to realize that being physically healthy but mentally unhealthy isn’t really being healthy at all. #mentalhealth #support #antibullying
Self Love Journal Prompts For Women
Looking for questions to help find yourself and develop self esteem and self love? I created this guided self love journal with self love journal prompts for how to feel more worthy, how to feel more worthy of love and mindfulness for women! Self discovery activities with self love activities for women, self love reminders and self love things to do.
Visit the STAND Shop
Do you want to show others that you are ready to STAND with them against bullying? Visit the STAND shop to find the perfect thing for you to show the world your feelings on bullying. We have shirts, hats, jewelry, magnets, and stickers. You're sure to find something you love! #nomorebullying #stopbullyingnow #showkindness