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3.3M views · 10K comments | I wish I'd thought of this sooner! 😲 | I wish I'd thought of this sooner! 😲 Mistie makes a grilled cheese & tomato soup bake! | By Kyle & Mistie Knight | Add your Texas toast to your pan. Now, you're going to take some sliced cheddar We're going to add one slice to each one of our Texas toasts. I'm starting with cheddar because you know why? Everything's better with cheddar, right? What's your favorite kind of cheese y'all? There we go. Next, we're going to use some provolone Add our provolone slices on top of our cheddar. But y'all tell me, do you think that there is a difference between the name brand cheese and the generic cheese? Is it worth the increase in price for the name brand? What do you think? Next, you're going to take two cans of healthy request tomato soup. We're going to dump that into our bowl. Empty out those cans and you know what else we need? Some milk. Would you grab me some please? It's right in the top of the fridge. Sure, I'll get that for you. Here it is. Milk. 2%. Thanks. I'm using a 2% but you can use any kind you want. We're going to fill one of our cans with our milk. Mmm tomato milk. And then we're going to add that to our tomato soup. Just one can because that's going to be plenty enough to be able to give us the consistency that we want with this tomato soup and then we're going to mix that up. You don't want it to be too soupy. I know if you were just making a soup, you would end up using two cans of milk but we don't need that for this one. Now, you've got your soup and milk mixture and you're going to pour that directly on top just like that and it's okay if it covers it because that's exactly what we want. Now, you're going to take some more of that Texas toast and that goes right on top. These were lightly toasted beforehand. These are just that New York-style Texas toast but. Wait, that doesn't make sense. I know. How can it be Texas and New York? Y'all help enlighten me on that. Alright. Get everything pressed in there. You know what? Now, we're going to add some parmesan as well. This is a three cheese grilled cheese recipe. You can just kind of be generous with it. That's going to be yummy and of course parsley flakes. Give it some parsley flakes as well. Look at this. This is going to be yummy y'all. I know you were a little bit worried and you were probably doubting me but you just gotta trust the process here at the Night House because we got a plan and then we're going to taste test and see how our creation turned out. We're going to pop that in the oven now. 350 degrees for about 30 minutes. Don't go anywhere. So we got a grilled cheese casserole bake in the oven but I have two pieces of toast left and I thought it might be a fun idea to take those toasts and add them to my waffle iron and make a grilled cheese. How have we not done this sooner? Doesn't this sound like a brilliant idea, grilled cheese with a waffle iron. I'm using some good old craft American singles here and I think we'll go double cheese. I've got a little bit more provolone. What would you use, Kyle? What's your favorite kind of cheese? Kyle's actually from Wisconsin. Where y'all from? I'm from Mississippi. He's Wisconsin. So, cheese head but you're not even really a fan of cheese, are you? Not really. This is weird. Right. Who doesn't love a good grilled cheese? I do love grilled cheese. Yes. Alright. So, the real task will be getting this waffle iron to close. You think I can do it? Alright, here we go. Okay and now, I'm just going to give it a press. So, it's almost going to be like a panini. Oh, you did it. It's working. Okay, there we go. So, we got it closed and this is going to be done in no time. Now, let me know where y'all are from because I'm going to be reading the comments. I'm going to be replying to them and if you have fun with our videos, be sure to hit the follow button because we post brand-new recipes every single day on this page and if you are new to the page, you might be wondering, are these people crazy? I know I'm wondering that. Our followers can tell you, are we crazy y'all? Just a little bit crazy. We're entertainers by trade actually. We performed in Las Vegas and all over the world. So, natural we have a little bit of showbiz, a little bit of entertainment fun sprinkled into our recipes just to make it a little bit different and you know, give you a chance to have some laughs. So, keep that in mind. Yummy recipes with a side of humor. I'm excited to try this one. It's been a couple minutes. I think that it's ready. Let's see what we got. Oh, look at that. Look at that. Nice and toasty. Let's check out the cheese. Don't burn yourself. Okay, we have cheese everywhere but that looks yummy. I'm going to cut it in half and do a quick taste test and then we're going to take our grilled cheese out of the oven and we're going to taste test that one. Alright. Ready to taste it. Kyle, there's half for you. This one's mine. It's going to burn my mouth. I just know it because it's burning my fingers. This is the Texas toast that comes from New York, I guess. Somebody explain that to me please. Grilled cheese waffle. Oh man. It smells delicious. I'll tell you that. Oh. Incredible. Why would you use Texas toast instead of just regular bread? Cuz you got the garlic butter already on it. So it's a garlic butter cheese toast. And this cheese is actually really good. Even the part that's super toasty. Mm It smells good. Alright, I heard the oven go off. Are we ready for this next one? Alright, it's time to taste test our grilled cheese tomato soup. This is exciting. Look at that. Perfectly toasty on top. Oh yeah. You can see our cheese is nice and melty. Look at that. Now, how do you eat this? I would recommend using a knife and fork and just treat that tomato soup like a sauce that you're dipping it in. Okay. And so I've got this spatula that's got a little bit of a spoon on the bottom. Like a shovel spa. Yeah it's like a shovel spatula. So hopefully I can get some of the sauce as well. Let's do it. Should I go right here? Okay, there it is. Got some nice melty cheese. I'm going to get one for each of us. You should see. Look at that. Whoa. Look at that melty cheese. Amazing. One for each of us here. Wow. Okay. Little bit messy. Yeah. But definitely going to be yummy. Alright, I'm going to have you hold this and then I'm going to cut a slice. Alright, here we go. Now, are you thinking this one's going to be a winner or are you skeptical because sometimes Kyle's skeptical of my recipes especially when I try new things and y'all been asking me lately, do I test these out first. Nope. We test it out on camera so that you get to see it. There you go. Now we got it. Alright. This is exciting. Okay. Everybody likes you know grilled cheese dipped in their tomato soup. Combining the two. Is it good? Ah. White. Mm. I told you. Mm this is good. It's really really really good. Isn't that amazing? Combined into one right here. This is so good. And I mean you could just go in with your fingers. It's going to get messy. But you know we're not exactly classy folks here. We just are all about good food. Speak for yourself. I'm classy. I'm cutting my peaky out and everything. It's so good.
3.2M views · 10K comments | I wish I'd thought of this sooner! 😲 | I wish I'd thought of this sooner! 😲 Mistie makes a grilled cheese & tomato soup bake! | By Kyle & Mistie Knight | Add your Texas toast to your pan. Now, you're going to take some sliced cheddar We're going to add one slice to each one of our Texas toasts. I'm starting with cheddar because you know why? Everything's better with cheddar, right? What's your favorite kind of cheese y'all? There we go. Next, we're going to use some provolone Add our provolone slices on top of our cheddar. But y'all tell me, do you think that there is a difference between the name brand cheese and the generic cheese? Is it worth the increase in price for the name brand? What do you think? Next, you're going to take two cans of healthy request
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