Asian Snacks

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麻辣鳳爪 🔥食上癮 🔥一食停唔到口🤭小食 零食💯好食到爆💥試過你就知😋做法簡單 👍經濟《重點要訣》清楚 明白 大家做到✌🏻😍😋
Sahabat Widya on Instagram: "Kue Kering ini bakalan jadi isin toples andalan ide jualan saat ini Resep By @sahabat_widya All Cookware By @idealifeonline_ Temukan Resep harian @idealifeonline.resep IDEALIFE ✅Chopper Electric IL- 216 -Quite mode: DC Motor -Safety ON Switch -Bowl Capacity: Large 1.2 Litre Glass -Single Speed -Stainless Steel Blade x 2 -Easy Cleaning IDEALIFE ✅Wok Cookware 32 cm IL-32WK -German Technology - Non Stick, Marble Design -Healthy Cooking - less oil -Compatible all cooking stove (inc. induction) -Elegantly Design (wooden transfer handles and knob) #idealife #idealifeonline #idealifetestimonial"
imas dwi hastuti on Instagram: "Cemilan andalan aku kalau lagi ada acara di rumah, kalau bikin ini pasti dikira beli,, banyak yg bilang bikinyaa susahh,, padahal lumayan gampang kok, bahan nya juga simpel banget, yuk coba bikinnn : Bahan : 500 Gr Kacang Tanah Sangrai 2 Butir Telur 100 Gr Gula Halus 1/2 Sdt Pasta Vanila 1/4 Sdt Garam 2 Sdm Minyak Goreng Bahan Tepung Kering : 150 Gr Tepung Terigu Serbaguna 150 Gr Tepung Maizena Panggang di suhu 155 °C selama 55 menit, dan tiap 5 menit wajib di bolak balik yaa,,oven yang dipakai juga berpengaruh untuk hasilnya, disini aku pakai Royal Mastery Oven SO-4254 dari Sanex Indonesia @sanex_indonesia oven ini memiliki konveksi cerdas sehingga matang merata,,,"
Salted egg cornflakes mindblowingggg #luvitaho #saltedegg
Salted egg cornflakes mindblowingggg #luvitaho #saltedegg
Maria Nesia on Instagram: "Kalo lagi makan di resto bakut teh, kata gw sih ini underrated menu ya! Versi gw ini lebih medok yaa, kalo mau mild kurangin cabe & rempah nya aja. Lembutnya berkat electric presto @oxoneonline yang penasaran langsung cek aja! REMPAH: • Bunga lawang • 4 iris jahe • 5 cabai kering • 1/2sdt Adas manis • 1/2 sdt Lada hitam • 1/2 sdt Lada putih • 3 bunga lawang • 1/2 sdt Kayu manis bubuk Masak: • 2 Cup kacang tanah • 30gr Gula batu • 1/3 Cup kecap asin Presto 1jam 45menit: • Kacang tanah • Rempah • 1/2sdt Kayu manis bubuk #braisedpeanuts #kacangrebus #kacangpresto #reseppresto #resepcemilan #snacktime #snacksehat #cemilansehat #asianfood #singaporeanfood"
Aleisha on Instagram: "One of my friends told me about this and it was so good, i’ve made an everything bagel version I cook at 400 for about 6-8min #ricecake #ricecakes #airfry #airfryerrecipes #airfryerrecipe #rice #crunchy #foodie #ricelover"
hanna ✨ on Instagram: "i guess i call this gochrillionaire bacon thanks uncle @snoopdogg 😎 ps. gochumel = gochujang caramel INGREDIENTS 16 oz low sodium bacon 2 tbs brown sugar tsp black pepper GOCHUMEL 1 tbs gochujang 1 tsp garlic 1 tbs rice syrup (or sugar) 1/2 tsp sesame oil DIRECTIONS - preheat oven to 375F - set wire rack over foil-lined baking sheet - lay bacon and on wire rack & brush with gochumel - sprinkle brown sugar & black pepper - bake on the center rack for 30-35 minutes - remove from oven and let cool until bacon is set and glaze has hardened, then enjoy! xoxo, #bacon #billionaire #gochujang #caramel #fusion #glaze #easyrecipes #easy #recipes #snacks #seattle #seattleeats #seattlefoodie"
Chef Minoli De Silva on Instagram: "MALTED MISO MALLOW RICE KRISPIE TREATS Hot tip - I only had pink and white marshmallows, but normally I'd use the plain white ones. INGREDIENTS 50g unsalted butter 400g marshmallows 1/2 cup malted milk powder 1/4 cup white miso paste 250g rice bubbles METHOD 1. Add the butter, marshmallows, milk powder and miso paste to a large pot. Place over low-medium heat and cook, stirring, for 3-4 minutes until all melted together. 2. Add the rice bubbles and, acting quickly, stir to combine until all rice bubbles are coated and sticking together. 3. Transfer to a bowl lined with baking paper, pushing down to remove any air bubbles. Set for 10 minutes in the fridge, then slice to serve. #ricebubbletreats #ricekrispytreats #childhoodfavourite #easydessert #glut
Tasty on Instagram: "Let’s make one of @groovyfoodiess favorite dim sum items 🥢 INGREDIENTS -1 12-ounce package of wonton wrappers -2 pounds raw shrimp, peeled and deveined -¼ cup chopped green onions, plus more for garnish -1 Tbsp soy sauce -1 Tbsp fish sauce -1 tsp kosher salt -1 tsp freshly ground black pepper -1 tsp sugar -1 large egg -2 Tbsp rice flour -4 cups vegetable oil -Sweet chili sauce, for dipping Preparation 1. Finely chop the shrimp, then add to a large bowl with the green onions, soy sauce, fish sauce, salt, pepper, and sugar. Mix well. Add the egg and rice flour and stir; the mixture should thicken a bit. 2. Use a sharp knife to shred the wonton wrappers into ½-inch-wide strips, then transfer to a separate large bowl. 3. Scoop 2 tablespoons of the shrimp filling into
Sarah Bành on Instagram: "Shrimp toast 2 ways 😎 Also called “Menbosha”, popularized by a Korean-Chinese chef but shrimp toast is originally a HK/Chinese dish. thank you all for correcting and teaching me about this dish! ❤️ The deep fried way was scrumptiosssss but the air fried way was just cleaner and less greasy feeling! -1 lb shrimp, minced -1 egg, use the whites only -1 tbsp corn starch -lots of scallions -1 tbsp fish sauce -1/2 tsp sugar -1/2 tsp sesame oil -1 tsp black sesame seeds"
밥의 변신 (바삭바삭, 초간단 주전부리, 살도 안찌고 너무 맛있어요, 간식 쌀과자 만들기, Easy Rice Crackers Recipe, Rice Snack)
밥의 변신 (바삭바삭, 초간단 주전부리, 살도 안찌고 너무 맛있어요, 간식 쌀과자 만들기, Easy Rice Crackers Recipe, Rice Snack)
Jujumao on Instagram: "Shrimp Toast and Monte Christo w/ Chef Sandy Daza! @marbyofficialpage From one generation to the next, Marby Super Loaf has been the beloved choice, now becoming the daily bread for all ages. Masarap, siksik, locally made — it’s the perfect addition to every meal, making each bite a moment to cherish! This is why Marby Super Loaf is our #1 choice of bread! It’s versatile and acts as the perfect vessel for my Shrimp Toast and Chef Sandy’s Monte Christo Sandwich Head over to the nearest supermarket and have a whole new level of Marby experience! #MarbySuperLoaf #MarbyPH"
かお | 秘密のごちそうデリレシピ on Instagram: "他のレシピはこちらから💁‍♀️ @kao_deli \ごはんにおつまみに/ 【海苔サンド】 カリカリのしらすと たっぷりゴマをサンドした ごはんにぴったりの海苔おつまみです🫶 おやつにも ビールにも ご飯のお供には最強です🍚🤭 ____________________________________ 【材料】 * 板のり 2枚 * しらす 40g * ごま油 小1 * 塩 少々 * ごま 大1〜2 * 水 大1 * しょうゆ 大1 * 水あめ 大1 * 砂糖 大1 【作り方】 1. フライパンにごま油をひき、しらすを炒める。カリカリになったら塩を加え別の容器に移しておく。 2. 同じフライパンに水、しょうゆ、水あめ、砂糖を入れ軽く煮詰める。 3. 海苔に2のタレを塗り、しらす、ごまをのせる。もう一枚の海苔にもタレを塗って挟む。めん棒等で押さえてしっかり密着させる。 4. 110℃のオーブンで15分焼いたらしっかり冷ます。 5. 食べやすい大きさに切り分け、密閉する保存容器に入れておく。 ・水あめはアガベシロップやオリゴ糖でも代用できます。海苔をくっつける為に粘りが欲しいので、みりん等の調味料で代用する場合はしっかりくっつかないことがあります。 ______________________________________ いつも、いいねいただきありがとうございます♡︎☺️ #海苔レシピ#海苔サンドイッチ#韓国のり#デリレシピ#おもてなしおやつ#foodhacks#foodhack#海苔アレンジ#easyrecipes#おつまみ"