Commons:Норми авторського права за територією/В'єтнам

This page is a translated version of a page Commons:Copyright rules by territory/Vietnam and the translation is 15% complete. Changes to the translation template, respectively the source language can be submitted through Commons:Copyright rules by territory/Vietnam and have to be approved by a translation administrator.

This page provides an overview of copyright rules of Vietnam relevant to uploading works into Wikimedia Commons. Note that any work originating in Vietnam must be in the public domain, or available under a free license, in both Vietnam and the United States before it can be uploaded to Wikimedia Commons. If there is any doubt about the copyright status of a work from Vietnam, refer to the relevant laws for clarification.

Vietnam was independent until the 19th century, when it was colonized by the French. After World War II the country declared independence on 2 September 1945. A struggle began with the French and then the United States, during which North Vietnam and South Vietnam were politically separated. North Vietnam was the victor, and the country was reunited in 1975.

Restoration of Vietnamese copyrights in the United States occurred through Presidential Proclamation No. 7161 of December 23, 1998.


Vietnam has been a member of the Berne Convention since 26 October 2004 and the World Trade Organization since 11 January 2007.


As of 2018 the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), an agency of the United Nations, listed Law No. 50/2005/QH11 of November 29, 2005, on Intellectual Property as the main IP law enacted by the legislature of Vietnam.[2] WIPO holds the text of this law in their WIPO Lex database.[3] It was then modified by Law No. 36/2009/QH12 of June 19, 2009, amending and supplementing a Number of Articles of the Law on Intellectual Property[4], Law No. 42/2019/QH14 of June 14, 2019, amending the Law on Insurance Business and the Law on Intellectual Property[5] and Law No. 07/2022/QH15 of June 16, 2022, amending and supplementing a Number of Articles of the Law on Intellectual Property.[6] The Vietnamese government also published an official online version alongside an official English translation.[7] As of 2022, the government issued a complete merged text on Intellectual Property Law.[8]

In addition, there are 11 relevant decrees (17 if amendments are included) and 22 circulars (30 if amendments are included) serving as implementation guidances.[2]

General rules

Standard term for works

  • The standard copyright term for works is author's life + 50 years.[36/2009 Article 27(2b)] For a work under joint authorship, the term of protection expires in the 50th year after the death of the last surviving co-author.[36/2009 Article 27(2b)]
  • The term of protection expires at 24:00 of December 31st of the year of expiration of the copyright protection term.[36/2009 Article 27(2c)]

{{PD-anon-auto-1996|country=Vietnam}} URAA date for Vietnam is December 23, 1998.[1] The 50-year term applied on the URAA date,[9] so works published before January 1, 1948 where the author remains unknown, and works by authors who died before January 1, 1948, are in the public domain in the United States.

Cinematographic works, photographic works, works of applied art and anonymous works

  • Under 2005 Law, cinematographic works, photographic works, dramatic works, works of applied art and anonymous works where the author remains unknown have a term of protection of 50 years from the date of first publication.[50/2005 Article 27(2a)] Under 2009 Amendment, from January 1st 2010, cinematographic works, photographic works, works of applied art and anonymous works where the author remains unknown have a term of protection of 75 years from the date of first publication.[36/2009 Article 27(2a)] Works which entered public domain prior to January 1st 2010 remained in the public domain even if they now qualified for copyright protection. And those works whose copyright terms have not expired on January 1st 2010 now prolong to 75 years.[36/2009 Article 220]
  • Under 2005 Law, within 50 years after the fixation of a cinematographic work or dramatic work, if such work has not been published, the term of protection shall be calculated from the date of its fixation.[50/2005 Article 27(2a)]. Under 2009 Amendment, from January 1st 2010, for cinematographic works, photographic works and works of applied art which remain unpublished within 25 years from the date of fixation, the term of protection is 100 years from the date of fixation.[36/2009 Article 27(2a)]

Posthumous works

  • Since April 26, 2023, copyright term of posthumous works shall conform to Article 27 of the Law on Intellectual Property.[Decree No. 17/2023 Article 17][10] Before April 26, 2023, posthumous works are granted 50 years of copyright protection from the date of first publication.[Decree No. 22/2018 Article 24][11]
  • The rights of performers shall be protected for 50 years counting from the year following the year of fixation of their performances.[50/2005 Article 34(1)]
  • The rights of producers of phonograms or video recordings shall be protected for 50 years counting from year following the year of publication, or 50 years counting from the year following the year of fixation of unpublished phonograms or video recordings.[50/2005 Article 34(2)]
  • The rights of broadcasting organizations shall be protected for 50 years counting from the year following the year of the making of their broadcasts.[50/2005 Article 34(3)]
  • The term of protection shall expire at 24:00 of December 31 of the year of expiration of related right protection term.[50/2005 Article 34(4)]

Prior law

Law No. 50/2005/QH11 was not retroactive, so works that had gone into the public domain remained in the public domain even if they now qualified for copyright protection under the 2005 law. The prior laws were Ordinance No: 38-L/CTN of the Standing Committee of the National Assembly, dated 2 December 1994, it was replaced by the Civil Code, Part 6: Intellectual property rights and technology transfer, adopted on 28 October 1995.[12] Under these laws:


  • Copyright extended for the life of the author and 50 years after their death.[1994 Art. 17][1995 Art. 766(2)]
  • Works of joint authorship were protected for 50 years after death of the last surviving author.[1994 Art. 18][1995 Art. 766(3)]
  • For cinematographic works, radio, television or video programs, and works published posthumously, copyright extended for 50 years after the date of first publication.[1994 Art. 20(1), 21][1995 Art. 766(4)]
  • The rights of unknown or anonymous authors belonged to the state, unless the author was identified within 50 years of the date of publication, in which case protection would apply until 50 years after the death of the author (or last surviving author).[1994 Art. 20(2), 21][1995 Art. 766(5)]
  • The rights of the producers of audio tapes and records, and of video tapes and disks shall be protected for a period of 50 years commencing on the date these tapes, records and disks are published for the first time.[1994 Art. 32][1995 Art. 777(2)]
  • The rights of radio and television broadcasting organizations shall be protected for a period of 50 years commencing on the date the radio or television program is broadcast for the first time.[1994 Art. 35][1995 Art. 779(2)]

The first copyright law of Vietnam was Decree No. 142-HĐBT of November 14, 1986 by the Council of Ministers with the term of copyright protection was the life of the author (or the last surviving co-author) and 30 years after their death; and copyright for an organization was unlimited, if the organization was dissolved, the copyright belonged to the state.[15]

Not protected


Див. також: Commons:Неохоронювані твори

The following subject matters are not protected by copyright:[50/2005 Article 15]

  1. News of the day as mere items of press information. This means short, daily information, short news, factual figures which are informative but not creative in nature.[Decree No. 17/2023 Article 8(1)][10]
  2. Legal documents, administrative documents and other documents in the judicial domain and official translations of these documents.
    • Legislative documents include:[16][80/2015 Article 4]
The system of Vietnam's legislative documents
  1. The Constitution.
  2. Codes and Laws (hereinafter referred to as Laws), Resolutions of the National Assembly
  3. Ordinances, Resolutions of the Standing Committee of the National Assembly; Joint Resolutions between the Standing Committee of the National Assembly and the Management Board of Central Committee of Vietnamese Fatherland Front; Joint Resolutions between the Standing Committee of the National Assembly, the Government, the Management Board of Central Committee of Vietnamese Fatherland Front.[17][18]
  4. Orders, Decisions of the President.
  5. Decrees of the Government; Joint Resolutions between the Government and Management Board of Central Committee of Vietnamese Fatherland Front
  6. Decision of the Prime Minister.
  7. Resolutions of Judge Council of the People’s Supreme Court.
  8. Circulars of the Executive Judge of the People’s Supreme Court; Circulars of the Chief Procurator of the Supreme People’s Procuracy; Circulars of Ministers, Heads of ministerial agencies; Decisions of the State Auditor General.
    8a. Joint Circulars between the Executive Judge of the People’s Supreme Court, the Chief Procurator of the Supreme People’s Procuracy, the State Auditor General, Ministers, Heads of ministerial agencies. Joint Circulars between Ministers and Heads of ministerial agencies shall not be promulgated.[17]
  9. Resolutions of the People’s Councils of central-affiliated cities and provinces (hereinafter referred to as provinces).
  10. Decisions of the People’s Committees of provinces.
  11. Legislative documents of local governments in administrative - economic units.
  12. Resolutions of the People’s Councils of districts, towns and cities within provinces (hereinafter referred to as districts).
  13. Decisions of the People’s Committees of districts.
  14. Resolutions of the People’s Councils of communes, wards and towns within districts (hereinafter referred to as communes).
  15. Decisions of the People’s Committees of communes.
  • "Administrative documents" include regulations, announcements, guidelines, programs, plans, projects, reports, contracts, memorandums, agreements, invitations, sick leave, etc.[19][20] These are issued by governmental agencies, political organizations, socio-political organizations, socio-profession-political organizations, social organizations, socio-profession organizations, and people’s armed forces.[Decree No. 17/2023 Article 8(2)]
  1. Processes, systems, operation methods, concepts, principles and data.
    • Procedures are sequences of actions which must be complied with in order to carry out tasks;[Decree No. 17/2023 Article 8(3)(a)]
    • A system is a combination of factors, units of the same types or functions that are closely connected or correlated and create a unified form;[Decree No. 17/2023 Article 8(3)(b)]
    • Methods are ways of studying, perceiving natural phenomena and social life;[Decree No. 17/2023 Article 8(3)(c)]
    • Concepts are thoughts reflecting overview of real things and phenomena and how they are connected;[Decree No. 17/2023 Article 8(3)(d)]
    • Principles are basic, general rules that govern a series of phenomenon; important initial thoughts or theories and starting points for further development of other theories.[Decree No. 17/2023 Article 8(3)(đ)]

Note that the term "document" (translated from Vietnamese term văn bản) here means "written information communicated by means of language or sign"[20][Decree 30/2020 Article 3] and hence does not include images, logos or emblems of any kind. The official format of an administrative document includes signature and seals,[Decree 30/2020 Article 8] so it is assumed that signatures on government papers should be in the public domain.

However, Decree No. 18/2014/ND-CP said "Collectors and correctors of works, suppliers of works, documents and materials that are paid remuneration by agencies or organizations using the publications, including: Documents of state agencies, political organizations, socio-political organizations, social organizations, socio-professional organizations and economic organizations, and translations of these documents". And "royalties and remuneration shall be included in the costs of publications".[Decree 18/2014 Article 12][21]

The State's intellectual property policies are "not to protect intellectual property objects which are contrary to social ethics and public order and prejudicial to defense and security".[36/2009 Article 8(1)]

Official gazette and the legitimately typified Code

The Government Office holds the copyright on electronic official gazette ("CONG BAO") of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam. Offices of provincial-level People's Committees hold the copyright on provincial-level electronic official gazette ("CONG BAO").[22][Circular 01/2017/TT-VPCP Article 7(2)] See also Commons:Deletion requests/Files in Category:Official Bulletins of Vietnam, Vietnam government seems to conflict themselves in this particular case (and actually many more) and this is a copyfraud.

The State holds the copyright to the legitimately typified Code.[23][Ordinance 03/2012/UBTVQH13 Article 14(2)]

Див. також: Commons:Шаблони ліцензій

  • {{PD-Vietnam}} – all photographs enter the public domain fifty years after they were first published, and all non-photographic works enter the public domain fifty years after the death of the creator.
  • {{PD-VietnamGov}} – for legal text documents, administrative text documents by the government and official translations, as well as other documents mentioned in the Not protected section. Do not use this for images and logos.
  • {{PD-South VietnamGov}} — The government of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam maintains that between 2 September 1945 and 2 July 1976 only the Democratic Republic of Vietnam and the Republic of South Vietnam were legitimate governments and sees works issued by rival governments as illegal.


Див. також: Commons:Грошові знаки

 Ні. Banknotes and coins are not exempted from copyright law. Furthermore, duplication of Vietnamese banknotes or coins without the written consent of the State Bank is prohibited by an order of the Prime Minister in June 2003 (article 3).[24]

National Flag, National Emblem, National Anthem

  • Organizations and individuals exercising intellectual property rights related to the National Flag, National Emblem and National Anthem of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam must not prevent or obstruct the dissemination and use of the National Flag, National Emblem, National Anthem.[07/2022 Article 7(2)]
  • The use of national emblem is regulated under Guidance 3420/HD-BVHTTDL, II. Quốc huy, Article 1, which refer to Article 973-TTg: (rough translation) "The image of national emblem is printed on the following papers/documents […] For cases not mentioned in this Article, organizations will submit them to the Prime Minister for his approval."

Freedom of panorama

Див. також: Commons:Свобода панорами

 Ні: all uploaded photographs of architectural and artistic works in public spaces from Vietnam, uploaded on Wikimedia Commons from 1 January 2023 onwards. Law No. 07/2022/QH15 which considerably amended the copyright law was passed on 16 June 2022, with the amendments coming into effect on 1 January 2023 (ASEAN briefing article, the text of the law in Vietnamese). The amendment added a non-commercial restriction to the Vietnamese freedom of panorama, but non-commercial licenses are not acceptable on Wikimedia Commons: To take photograph or televise the art work, architectural, photographic, applied-art works displayed at public places for the purpose of presenting images of these works and not for commercial purposes[07/2022 Article 25.1(h)].[6] Decree No. 17/2023/ND-CP explained "works of art" are works which are expressed by lines, color, shapes, composition, including: Paintings (paintings of lacquer, oil paint, powder, water color, dó paper, and other materials); graphics (wood engravings, metal engravings, rubber engravings, plaster engravings, unique prints, rock prints, propaganda paintings, graphic design, and other materials); sculpture (statues, monuments, relief, memorials, symbolic blocks); installation arts and other forms of contemporary art[Decree No. 17/2023 Article 6.7].[10] Works of art, sculpture, installation art, and other forms of contemporary art exist as unique copies; works of graphic art can be depicted to the 50th iteration which must be numbered and signed by the authors[Decree No. 17/2023 Article 6.7].[10] "Works of applied art" are works expressed by lines, color, shapes, and compositions with useful functions, potentially associated with a useful item, and manufactured manually or industrially and include: Graphic design (presentation of product logos, identity, and packaging; presentation of characters); fashion design; aesthetic design associated with forming products; aesthetic interior design, interior and exterior decoration[Decree No. 17/2023 Article 6.8].[10] Works of applied art are expressed by aesthetic shaping of products, cannot be easily created by persons with average understanding in respective field, and do not require aesthetic exterior in order to function[Decree No. 17/2023 Article 6.8].[10] Applicable template: {{NoFoP-Vietnam}}

  • Note, valid from 1 January 2023 onwards: "Copyright protection expires 50 years after the death of the original author (who may be the architect, sculptor, or artist of applied art) of a public artistic work of Vietnam. On January 1st of the following year (ie. January 1 of the 51st Year), freely-licensed images of the author's sculptures, buildings, applied arts, or monuments are now free and can be uploaded to Wikimedia Commons. The lack of commercial Freedom of Panorama is no longer relevant here for sovereign states with no formal FOP legal rights since the author's works are now copyright free."

Так: photographs and television broadcasts of пластичне мистецтво (sculptures, ceramics etc.), architecture, photographs, декоративно-ужиткове мистецтво (pottery, furniture etc.) displayed at public places, uploaded on Wikimedia Commons until 31 December 2022. The new amendments are not retroactive. Applicable template: {{FoP-Vietnam}}

Examples of "plastic art" are finearts, graphic arts, sculpture, installation arts and similar forms of presentation, which are available in unique copies. Particularly, a work of graphic art may be presented in as many as 50 copies which are ordinarily numbered and bear the author’s signature.[Decree No. 22/2018 Article 13.1] Examples of "applied art" are graphic designs (expression of logo, identification system and packaging labels), fashion designs, product designs, interior design and decoration.[Decree No. 22/2018 Article 13.2] Under Law No. 50/2005/QH11 of November 29, 2005 amended by Law No. 36/2009/QH12 of June 19, 2009, "Use of published works in which permission and payment of royalties or remunerations are not required includes ... Photographing or televising of plastic art, architectural, photographic, applied-art works displayed at public places for the purpose of presenting images of these works."[36/2009 Article 25.1(h)]

Threshold of originality

Див. також: Commons:Поріг оригінальності

There is currently no consensus regarding the threshold of originality for Vietnam. However, some Commons precedent is available here: Commons:Deletion requests/File:Logo Vinamilk (2023).png.

Expired relevant law

These are intellectual property relevant laws:

  • Ordinance No. 38-L/CTN1 of December 02, 1994, on protection of copyright [Pháp lệnh Bảo hộ Quyền Tác giả 1994 38-L/CTN] (replaced by Resolution on enforcing the 1995 Civil Code [Nghị quyết thi hành Bộ luật dân sự 1995])
  • Civil Code 1995, expired on December 31st 2006
  • Decree 100/2006, Decree 85/2011 and Decree 22/2018 (replaced by Decree 17/2023)

See also


  1. a b Bill Clinton. Proclamation 7161 of December 23, 1998 Extending United States Copyright Protections to the Works of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam [Tuyên cáo 7161 của Tổng thống Bill Clinton: Kéo dài bảo vệ tác quyền Hoa Kỳ đối với các tác phẩm của Cộng hòa Xã hội chủ nghĩa Việt Nam]. Retrieved on 2019-01-28. (bản dịch tiếng Việt)
  2. a b c Vietnam Copyright and Related Rights (Neighboring Rights) [Quyền tác giả và các quyền liên quan tại Việt Nam]. WIPO [Tổ chức Sở hữu Trí tuệ Thế giới] (2018). Retrieved on 2018-11-08.
  3. Law No. 50/2005/QH11, on Intellectual Property. Vietnam (29 November 2005). Retrieved on 2018-11-11.
  4. Law No. 36/2009/QH12, amending and supplementing a Number of Articles of the Law on Intellectual Property. Vietnam (19 June 2009). Retrieved on 2018-11-11.
  5. Law No. 42/2019/QH14 of June 14, 2019, amending the Law on Insurance Business and the Law on Intellectual Property [Luật số 42/2019/QH14 ngày 14 tháng 6 năm 2019 của Quốc hội sửa đổi, bổ sung một số điều của Luật Kinh doanh bảo hiểm, Luật Sở hữu trí tuệ]. WIPO. Retrieved on 2022-01-05.
  6. a b Law No. 07/2022/QH15 of June 16, 2022, Amending and Supplementing a Number of Articles of the Law on Intellectual Property [Luật số 07/2022/QH15 sửa đổi, bổ sung một số điều của Luật Sở hữu trí tuệ]. WIPO (2022-07-16). Retrieved on 2023-05-01.
  7. Luật 50/2005/QH11 về Sở hữu trí tuệ 2005 [Law No. 50/2005/QH11, on Intellectual Property] (in vietnamese). National archive of the Vietnamese government. Retrieved on 2021-01-05.
  8. Luật Sở hữu trí tuệ nước Cộng hòa xã hội chủ nghĩa Việt Nam 2005 (sửa đổi, bổ sung 2022) (in vietnamese) (2022-07-08). Retrieved on 2023-03-17.
  9. a b Civil Code 1995, Article 766 [Bộ luật Dân sự 1995, Điều 766] (28 October 1995). Retrieved on 2021-03-20.
  10. a b c d e f Decree No 17/2023/ND-CP elaborating the law on intellectual property regarding copyrights and related rights [Nghị định số 17/2023/NĐ-CP Quy định chi tiết một số điều và biện pháp thi hành Luật Sở hữu trí tuệ về quyền tác giả, quyền liên quan]. Vietanlaw. Retrieved on 2023-08-11.
  11. Decree No. 22/2018/ND-CP of February 23, 2018, on Guidelines for Certain Number of Articles of the Intellectual Property Law and Law on Amendments to the Intellectual Property Law 2009 in Terms of Copyright and Related Rights [Nghị định 22/2018/NĐ-CP về hướng dẫn Luật sở hữu trí tuệ năm 2005 và Luật sở hữu trí tuệ sửa đổi năm 2009 về quyền tác giả, quyền liên quan]. WIPO. Retrieved on 2022-01-05.
  12. Resolution on enforcing the 1995 Civil Code [Nghị quyết thi hành Bộ luật dân sự 1995] (28 October 1995). Retrieved on 2022-09-08.
  13. Ordinance No. 38-L/CTN1 of December 02, 1994, on protection of copyright. Retrieved on 2021-03-20.
  14. Civil Code (28 October 1995). Retrieved on 2021-03-20.
  15. Thông tư số 63-VH/TT ngày 16-7-1988 hướng dẫn việc sử dụng và phân phối nhuận bút đối với các tác phẩm văn học, nghệ thuật, khoa học hết thời hạn hưởng quyền tác giả. Thư viện pháp luật. Retrieved on 2023-08-11.
  16. Law No. 80/2015/QH13 dated June 22, 2015, promulgation of legislative documents [Luật 80/2015/QH13 Ban hành văn bản quy phạm pháp luật] (in vietnamese). Centre Database on Legal Normative Documents. Retrieved on 2022-01-13. (unofficial English translation)
  17. a b Updated according to Law No. 63/2020/QH14 dated June 18, 2020 Amendments to the Law on Promulgation of Legislative Documents
  18. Law No. 63/2020/QH14 dated June 18, 2020 Amendments to the Law on Promulgation of Legislative Documents [Luật số 63/2020/QH14: Luật sửa đổi, bổ sung một số điều của Luật Ban hành văn bản quy phạm pháp luật] (in vietnamese). Retrieved on 2022-01-13. (unofficial English translation)
  19. Full list: "nghị quyết (cá biệt), quyết định (cá biệt), chỉ thị, quy chế, quy định, thông cáo, thông báo, hướng dẫn, chương trình, kế hoạch, phương án, đề án, dự án, báo cáo, biên bản, tờ trình, hợp đồng, công văn, công điện, bản ghi nhớ, bản thỏa thuận, giấy ủy quyền, giấy mời, giấy giới thiệu, phiếu gửi, phiếu chuyển, phiếu báo, thư công".
  20. a b Decree No. 30/2020/ND-CP regulations on clerical work [Nghị định 30/2020/NĐ-CP về công tác văn thư] (in vietnamese). Retrieved on 2022-02-06. Unofficial English translation, "văn bản là thông tin thành văn được truyền đạt bằng ngôn ngữ hoặc ký hiệu"
  21. Decree No. 18/2014/ND-CP prescribing the regime of royalties in the field of press and publication [Nghị định số 18/2014/NĐ-CP quy định về chế độ nhuận bút trong lĩnh vực báo chí, xuất bản]. WIPO. Retrieved on 2023-08-15.
  22. Circular No. 01/2017/TT-VPCP (2017-03-31). Retrieved on 2023-01-30.
  23. Ordinance No. 03/2012/UBTVQH13 on legitimate typification of legal norms system (2012-04-16). Retrieved on 2023-01-30.
  24. Decision No. 130/2003/QD-TTg: On the protection of Vietnamese money [Quyết định số 130/2003/QĐ-TTg của Thủ tướng chính phủ về việc bảo vệ tiền Việt Nam]. Prime Minister of Vietnam (30 June 2003). Retrieved on 2019-01-28., bản tiếng Việt
Увага: Наведений вище опис може бути неточним, неповним та / або застарілим, тому до нього слід ставитися обережно. Перш ніж завантажувати файл на Вікісховище, переконайтесь, що він може вільно використовуватися. Див. також: Commons:Відмова від відповідальності