Hasse diagram

出典:ウィキメディア・コモンズ (Wikimedia Commons)
ナビゲーションに移動 検索に移動
English: A Hasse diagram is a graphical representation of a partially ordered set.



Subsets of a 2-element set

Subsets of a 3-element set

Divisors of 60 ordered by divisibility

Non-negative integers ordered by divisibility

Young–Fibonacci lattice

Young's lattice

Left: Divisors of 120 ordered by divisibility
(Birkhoff's representation theorem)

Associahedron of order 4

Permutohedron of order 4

Lattice of regular bands

Free distributive lattices
of monotonic Boolean functions

Rieger–Nishimura lattice
(free Heyting algebra over one generator)

Types of quadrilaterals

Subsets of a 4-element set:

Emphasis on two cubes

Rhombic dodecahedral
parallel projection of the tesseract

Logical connectives

Emphasis on all eight cubes

4x4 matrix

Tetrahedral central projection of the tesseract
Not a Hasse diagram, but similar: Highest element in center;
lower elements farer away from center; lowest element not shown

Partitions of a 4-element set ordered by refinement:

Only the 14 noncrossing partitions
(This diagram is also vertically symmetric.)

Emphasis on sublattice

Emphasis on symmetry

Emphasis on number of elements per rank

Dihedral group Dih4


Z24 (rank expressed by background color, not by position)

30 subgroups of S4

9 types of subgroups of S4

25 types of subgroups of the S4 × C2

v:Formulas in predicate logic


