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- Herbert's speaker and autograph-album verses ( ) Author Knipe, Delia, comp Title Uncle Herbert's speaker and autograph-album verses Publisher Philadelphia...(843 × 1,154 (17.86 MB)) - 05:06, 24 July 2020
- speaker : and autograph-album verses ( ) Author Arthur, T. S. (Timothy Shay), 1809-1885 Title Uncle Herbert's speaker : and autograph-album verses Publisher...(716 × 1,141 (6.25 MB)) - 17:54, 1 December 2022
- Stray leaves from memory's album : short stories from the poetical works of the Bard of Tar Flat and other eminent authors ( ) Author Hemenway, M....(564 × 1,041 (3.47 MB)) - 17:40, 26 January 2022
- File:Chronicles of pharmacy (Volume 2).djvu (matches file content)medicine for a sere throat," is said to be one drachm of album grsecum made into a linctus with honey of roses. Pigeons' dung was reputed to be so violently...(2,149 × 3,418 (11.68 MB)) - 14:19, 5 March 2024
- File:A new British flora - British wild flowers in their natural haunts (IA newbritishflorab04horwiala).pdf (matches file content)yellow, and brown after flowering is over. Honey is secreted by it, and it acts as a honey-guide. The expanded claws or stalks of the 3 upper and middle petals...(777 × 1,252 (53.71 MB)) - 22:16, 29 June 2023
- File:The Aurelian - a natural history of English moths and butterflies, together with the plants on which they feed (IA Aurelian00Harr).pdf (matches file content)Ins. pi. 54. Vanessa C. Album, Ochsenheimer, Curtis, Stephens. Polygonia C. Album, Hubner. Comma Upper Side. The C. Album, Rennie Conspect. Butterjl...(1,752 × 2,362 (50.88 MB)) - 11:10, 14 August 2024
- File:The new pharmacopoeia of the Royal College of Physicians of London (IA b28767858).pdf (matches file content)nobility L.S. P. , the Jingle Flower, Chelae Cancrorum, L. Crabs Claws . Cicuta, Hemlock Cancer Fagurns i , S. N. Co nium maculatum i the...(872 × 1,535 (12.77 MB)) - 17:35, 15 July 2024
- File:Medical Heritage Library (IA b2148353x).pdf (matches file content)Arsenicum Album Arsenici » J Flores et Radix — , Vide Hydrargyrum. Arum Arnicas | vel J '\ White Arsenic Oxydum ...... > Album. J White Oxide...(539 × 983 (3.62 MB)) - 15:50, 4 December 2022
- File:Medical Heritage Library (IA b30785121).pdf (matches file content)EleCluary. Take Fracajiorius’s Confe&ion, made without Honey, one Ounce: Contrayerva Stone and Crabs Claws prepared, of each one Drachm and an Half: Syrup of...(952 × 1,812 (21.11 MB)) - 23:36, 11 December 2020
- File:The outline of science, a plain story simply told; (IA cu31924063476646).pdf (matches file content)Named the Sheep-Tick Photo: 300 Ward. Foot of Spider, Showing Combed Claws and Cutting-Hook Below Photo: 300 305 306 James's Press Agency. Surface...(1,064 × 1,516 (14.2 MB)) - 12:45, 18 April 2024
- File:Medical botany; or, history of plants in the materia medica of the London, Edinburgh and Dublin pharmacopoeias. Arranged according to the Linnaean system (IA b29341322 0002).pdf (matches file content)Geum Urbanum. Papaver Rhceas-PapaverErra ticum... --Somniferum, Papaver Album. Aconitum Napellus. Helleborus Niger... Lavandula Soica. Mentha Viridis...(1,354 × 2,279 (30.97 MB)) - 00:10, 4 December 2022
- File:Medical Heritage Library (IA b28775752).pdf (matches file content)vide Prseparata, ex Antimonio. Cancrorum Chel$ Crab' s-cla^Ms the claws of the Cancer Pagurus, or the is the part in ufe, forbents. and which...(704 × 1,300 (6.9 MB)) - 14:57, 4 December 2022
- File:Medical Heritage Library (IA b21522923).pdf (matches file content)& E. ft- 41 ( Cancrorum Claws: Crab’s \enf. Prop. \Ud. Virt. M. P. L. Chelae, the black tips of the claws common of the ) Crab. Abforbent...(575 × 1,116 (5.31 MB)) - 08:53, 6 August 2020
- File:Brief guide to the commoner butterflies of the northern United States and Canada; being an introduction to a knowledge of their life-histories (IA briefguidetocomm00scud).pdf (matches file content)spines and at tip with claws, a pad, and often with paronychia or whitlows, a sort of membranous imitative accompaniment of the claws, perhaps best seen in...(733 × 1,129 (14.03 MB)) - 22:40, 6 May 2024
- File:Observations on the London and Edinburgh dispensatories- with an account of the virtues of various subjects of the materia medica, not contained in either of those works (IA b30515002).pdf (matches file content)Acetofella, feu Lujula Adeps anferinus Acetum Adiantum album Adeps anferinus Agrimonia Adiantum album Alliaria Agrimonia Alnus nigra baccifera Alliaria...(1,058 × 1,758 (10.59 MB)) - 15:58, 4 December 2022
- File:Culpeper's complete herbal - with nearly four hundred medicines made from English herbs .. (IA b2170465x).pdf (matches file content)Dodd’s Discourses to Young Slaver Men Cause and Cure of Infidelity Comic Album and Comic Doddridge’s Bise and ProMinstrel Crotchet Children of the gress...(687 × 1,154 (16.76 MB)) - 00:08, 28 April 2024
- File:Zoologist- a monthly journal of natural history (IA zoologistmon414191068lond).pdf (matches file content)powers of animals, 361 Dye, B. Lapland Bunting near Great Yarmouth, 34 Honey-Buzzard near Yarmouth, 34; Glossy Ibis at Yarmouth, 74 Ecutt, A. W. Strange...(741 × 1,229 (31 MB)) - 21:35, 3 November 2022
- File:Contributions to the flora of Beaver County, from the Mansfield Herbarium, 1865-1903 (IA contributionstof00mans).pdf (matches file content)spurs, is south banks of Ohio river. found growing on The bird like claws of the blossoms furnishes the name. visited at night by the moths and...(908 × 1,325 (6.57 MB)) - 05:53, 13 April 2024
- File:Flora's dictionary (IA florasdictionary00wirtrich).pdf (matches file content)in the claw of in the Violet, the base of one petal is elongated into a spur, or bag, containing the tium, the nectariferous spur is honey ; in...(1,018 × 1,475 (50.29 MB)) - 14:48, 19 October 2020
- File:Brief guide to the commoner butterflies of the northern United States and Canada; being an introduction to a knowledge of their life-histories (IA briefguidetocom00scud).pdf (matches file content)spines and at tip with claws, a pad, and often with paronychia or whitlows, a sort of membranous imitative accompaniment of the claws, perhaps best seen in...(791 × 1,216 (20.17 MB)) - 22:40, 6 May 2024