Papers by Zeynep Hazal Yıldız
This paper will mainly focus on the improper justification of the colonial
discourse along with J... more This paper will mainly focus on the improper justification of the colonial
discourse along with Joseph Conrad's Heart of Darkness' function as a colonial literary work in terms of racism, imperialism, and the use of literary devices such as symbols and metaphors.
Media culture is one of the materials of popular culture, and maybe the most important one. It is... more Media culture is one of the materials of popular culture, and maybe the most important one. It is a way of constructing a prevailing culture for the majority of society by means of; symbols, resources, codifications, and images. Media products are based on two significant elements which are mass production and commercial culture furthermore, they address to a great number of audiences. As a result, media products such as movies, cartoons, radios, and TV functions as a way of creating an “ideal role model” and a “personality” in which people could relate themselves. The Walt Disney Cooperation is a very good representative of media culture. In this paper, Disney animated movies will be examined as an element of media culture through a postcolonial perspective. Colonial mentality applies hard and soft power to oppress people. In this context, Disney animated movies function as soft power with some reoccurring themes and stereotypes. Ideologies of hegemonic power are conveyed to the audience through the depiction of the characters. Most of the characters, male or female, are depicted as to the standards of the west, an “ideal body image”. Moreover, in many animated movies, there is one good side and an evil side; they could be the portrayal of center and periphery. Considering the depiction of characters; the good ones are wisdom, benevolent, educated and rich while the evil ones are different, abnormal, strange, heartless and shameless. Since Disney animated movies refer to various cultures, with an aim of commercialism; they created characters from different races. However, the characters like Asians, Arabians or natives are not presented in a good way; the negative qualities of the east are conveyed through dialogues and lyrics. Some of the Disney songs include words and phrases that are identified as negative such as; barbaric, ignorant or savage. It is debatable that as a media culture material do Disney movies manage to create a salutary role model or are they subjected to the colonial mentality?
Journal of English Language and Literature (JELLC), 2022
Great Expectations is considered one of the most outstanding works of Charles Dickens. The novel ... more Great Expectations is considered one of the most outstanding works of Charles Dickens. The novel takes place in Victorian era Britain and it is, therefore functions as a medium to mirror the social dynamics of this respected era including class-divided social hierarchy, social mobility, and the concept of morality which manifest themselves more explicitly with the effects of the industrial revolution. Through its main character and protagonist Pip, the reader witnesses the course towards the ‘myth’ of upward mobility. In this regard, the present paper aims to foreground the dynamics of Victorian society that are reflected in the novel.
The present paper aims to analyse the dynamics of power relations in King Lear through the charac... more The present paper aims to analyse the dynamics of power relations in King Lear through the characters of Lear, Goneril, Cordelia, and Edmund from a psychodynamic and psychoanalytic approach with regards to interrelated theories of personality perspectives.
Racial discrimination has long been a part of human history, in fact, it is rather critical and c... more Racial discrimination has long been a part of human history, in fact, it is rather critical and considered a crucial subject, for this reason, it is preferred and discussed in various fields including politics, literature, and cinema. Green Book is a full-length movie that could be classified as one of the respected movies that chose to be inclusive of this issue. It is directed by Peter Farrelly and it fictionalises a true story that took place in the United States during the 1960’s. At that specific time period, the United States was not a fully safe place, the community was little open-minded and racial discrimination was very common, in fact, it was operating in a way that sublimates white supremacy. In the light of these, Green Book adapts the harsh reality of a white-dominated society into a screenplay by foregrounding the relationship between Don Shirley who is an African American jazz and classical pianist, and his driver, Frank Vallelonga who is an Italian American bouncer. Their relationship is rather paradoxical considering the fact that one is the ‘inferior’ Black and the other is ‘superior’ White, however, their character traits, inner conflicts, and complexes help them to establish a strong bond. Don Shirley is a Black person and for that reason, he is accepted to conform to some subcultural norms that are constructed by the colonial centre however, he has established himself as a famous pianist which comes into conflict with his cultural background. On the other hand, Frank Vallelonga is a White person and seems to fit in the dominant society, he even expresses racist attitudes several times which comes into conflict with his cultural background as well, because as an Italian American his presence in the United States could therefore be taken into consideration as ‘immigrant’. Within this framework, both their relationship and the tour that they go on through the Deep South and Midwest demonstrate the sociocultural dynamics of the United States. As the title of the movie also indicates, the United States’ government pursues a separate but equal policy during that time period, and throughout the movie, the audience witnesses various levels of segregation, otherization, and marginalisation that are represented through the concepts of race and class. In this respect, this article attempts to analyse the movie Green Book in terms of socio-cultural dynamics, social order, and character analyses by deconstructing the interrelated politics of identity and class.
English Literature and Cultural Studies Club Newspaper, 2021
Books by Zeynep Hazal Yıldız
Erzurum Teknik Üniversitesi Yayınevi, 2021
Kadınlar yüzyıllar boyunce ataerkil zihniyetin kurbanı olmuş ve bunun sonucunda metalaştırılmıştı... more Kadınlar yüzyıllar boyunce ataerkil zihniyetin kurbanı olmuş ve bunun sonucunda metalaştırılmıştır. Bu ayrıştırıcı toplum düzeni feminist teorinin çıkış noktası olmuş ve kadının sosyal, siyasal ve ekonomik alanlarda eşitliğini savunan bir ideoloji haline gelmiştir. Feminizm eşitliği müdafaa eden bir ideoloji olmasına rağmen, kolonyal zihniyetin ‘beyaz’ üstünlüğünü kabul etmiş ve savunduğu eşitliğe ters düşen bir ırk ayrımını çelişkili bir şekilde de olsa Batı leyhinde ön plana koymuştur. Bu noktada, siyahi kadınların feminizmin müdafaa ettiği eşitliğe erişiminin beyazlardan daha zorlu olduğunu söylemek mümkündür çünkü siyahi kadınlar hem kadın olmanın hem de siyahi olmanın sonuçlarıyla ayrıca yüzleşmişlerdir; tecrübe edilen bu durum, ‘çift taraflı sömürgeleşme’, onları sistemin birer kurbanı haline getirmiştir. Siyahi kadınlar hem kadın oldukları için ataerkil zihniyet tarafından hem de siyahi oldukları için kolonyal zihniyet tarafından ‘çift taraflı’ bir sömürgeye maruz bırakılmışlardır. Değişen ve gelişen dünya düzeni ile birlikte ortaya çıkan yeni dominasyon formları nedeniyle ‘siyah’ ve ‘beyaz’ sadece ten rengini temsil etmekten öteye geçmiş ve ikili karşıtlıkların ‘üstünlük’ ve ‘aşağılık’ seviyesini belirleyen emperyal bir ideoloji haline gelmiştir. Günümüzde ideolojik olarak ‘siyahi’ kadınlar hala bu duruma maruz bırakılmaktadırlar. Bu sebeple eşitlik kavramının, geçmiş tecrübelerin ve sosyal statünün de göz önüne alınarak her kadın tarafından farklı algılanabileceğini söylemek mümkündür. Postkolonyal feminizm bu noktada devreye girerek eşitlik kavramının Batı’nın ideolojileriyle algılanmasına karşı bir tepki olacak şekilde Doğu gerçekliğini de ön plana alarak fonksiyonunu yerine getirmektedir. Bu bağlamda, bu çalışmada, geçmişten günümüze ‘siyahi’ kadınların yüzyüze geldiği marjinalleştirme, yabancılaştırma ve sömürgeleşme üzerinde muayyen eserlerden örnekler verilip durulacak ve Bell Hooks’un Feminist Theory From Margin to Center kitabında belirtilen kritikler ile desteklenecektir.
Anahtar Kelimeler: Postkolonyal feminizm, sömürgeleşme, yabancılaşma, marjinalleşme
Papers by Zeynep Hazal Yıldız
discourse along with Joseph Conrad's Heart of Darkness' function as a colonial literary work in terms of racism, imperialism, and the use of literary devices such as symbols and metaphors.
Books by Zeynep Hazal Yıldız
Anahtar Kelimeler: Postkolonyal feminizm, sömürgeleşme, yabancılaşma, marjinalleşme
discourse along with Joseph Conrad's Heart of Darkness' function as a colonial literary work in terms of racism, imperialism, and the use of literary devices such as symbols and metaphors.
Anahtar Kelimeler: Postkolonyal feminizm, sömürgeleşme, yabancılaşma, marjinalleşme