Jack Sarfatti
Dr. Sarfatti studied with Hans Bethe and other leading physicists from the World War II Atomic Bomb Manhattan Project in the late 1950s and early 1960s at Cornell. MIT physics historian David Kaiser credited Sarfatti in the best seller “How the Hippies Saved Physics” as a leading promoter of the importance of quantum entanglement as early as the late 1950s, leading to the quantum computer industry. The CIA and US Military agents asked Dr. Sarfatti to work on the physical explanations of our consciousness and how flying saucers work. This was over fifty years ago, and he has solved both problems by applying battle-tested mainstream physics of Einstein’s theory of gravity and quantum mechanics. Dr. Sarfatti also significantly influenced President Reagan in formulating the Strategic Defense Initiative. One of Dr Sarfatti’s predictions on control of gravity for space flight and directed energy weapons is part of a 250 million dollar WARP FUSION REACTOR program at Lawrence Livermore Nuclear Weapons National Laboratory. Dr Sarfatti is now working on adding consciousness to artificial intelligence neural networks at the 3-nanometer scale of Apple Computer’s M4 chip, as well as the control of gravity with small amounts of energy for space flight, making rocket/jet propulsion obsolete and allowing practical interstellar travel to habitable exoplanets.
Supervisors: Phillip Morrison, Robert Brout, Hans Bethe, and Fred W. Cummings
Phone: 4158063156
Address: San Francisco, California and London, England
Dr. Sarfatti studied with Hans Bethe and other leading physicists from the World War II Atomic Bomb Manhattan Project in the late 1950s and early 1960s at Cornell. MIT physics historian David Kaiser credited Sarfatti in the best seller “How the Hippies Saved Physics” as a leading promoter of the importance of quantum entanglement as early as the late 1950s, leading to the quantum computer industry. The CIA and US Military agents asked Dr. Sarfatti to work on the physical explanations of our consciousness and how flying saucers work. This was over fifty years ago, and he has solved both problems by applying battle-tested mainstream physics of Einstein’s theory of gravity and quantum mechanics. Dr. Sarfatti also significantly influenced President Reagan in formulating the Strategic Defense Initiative. One of Dr Sarfatti’s predictions on control of gravity for space flight and directed energy weapons is part of a 250 million dollar WARP FUSION REACTOR program at Lawrence Livermore Nuclear Weapons National Laboratory. Dr Sarfatti is now working on adding consciousness to artificial intelligence neural networks at the 3-nanometer scale of Apple Computer’s M4 chip, as well as the control of gravity with small amounts of energy for space flight, making rocket/jet propulsion obsolete and allowing practical interstellar travel to habitable exoplanets.
Supervisors: Phillip Morrison, Robert Brout, Hans Bethe, and Fred W. Cummings
Phone: 4158063156
Address: San Francisco, California and London, England
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Videos by Jack Sarfatti
Papers by Jack Sarfatti
New section on interferometer testing of the conjecture.
This note suggests a new hitherto unexpected strategy on how to use the zero-point energy from a Casimir cavity with metamaterial dielectric to propel the flying saucer. While the use of real photons and real electric charges requires strong electromagnetic susceptibility resonances that we do not know how to make, the use of virtual photons and virtual electron-positron pairs seems to, in this early state of discovery, tentatively only require the metamaterial transition through zero from positive to negative real part of the index of refraction.
Uri Geller’s Mind Metal Bending Revisited
Frohlich Condensate, David Chalmers’s “Hard Problem”
Prediction Index of Refraction of 10 at EEG frequencies
in one plausible model of Penrose’s Ansatz
Uri Geller’s Mind Metal Bending Revisited
Frohlich Condensate, David Chalmers’s “Hard Problem”
This is very back of the envelope fast and dirty and needs much more careful checking, but it seems to suggest that Roger Penrose’s approach to Stuart Hameroff’s conscious microtubule conjecture is wrong.
On the other hand, Uri Geller’s bending of metal with his mind may indicate otherwise. It's too soon to tell.
Thanks to Stephen Wolfram, we can do the integrals as an infinite series.For example, interchanging the order of the discrete infinite sum and the integration for one of the three main terms, as an example from Wolfram Alpha’s Integral Calculator one of the several terms has as a factor
∫e^(-2r^2/d^2 )(1/r^2(k-1)) dr
≅2^(((k-4)) ) r^(3-2k) (r^2/d^2 )^(k-1) Γ((1-k)/2,(2r^2)/d^2 )
I am using the incomplete Gamma function. The entire expression is extraordinarily complex, and I leave it as a homework problem for the obsessive-compulsive Idiot Savant to compute in every detail. I am too much a lazy old dog to attempt it.😉
New section on interferometer testing of the conjecture.
This note suggests a new hitherto unexpected strategy on how to use the zero-point energy from a Casimir cavity with metamaterial dielectric to propel the flying saucer. While the use of real photons and real electric charges requires strong electromagnetic susceptibility resonances that we do not know how to make, the use of virtual photons and virtual electron-positron pairs seems to, in this early state of discovery, tentatively only require the metamaterial transition through zero from positive to negative real part of the index of refraction.
Uri Geller’s Mind Metal Bending Revisited
Frohlich Condensate, David Chalmers’s “Hard Problem”
Prediction Index of Refraction of 10 at EEG frequencies
in one plausible model of Penrose’s Ansatz
Uri Geller’s Mind Metal Bending Revisited
Frohlich Condensate, David Chalmers’s “Hard Problem”
This is very back of the envelope fast and dirty and needs much more careful checking, but it seems to suggest that Roger Penrose’s approach to Stuart Hameroff’s conscious microtubule conjecture is wrong.
On the other hand, Uri Geller’s bending of metal with his mind may indicate otherwise. It's too soon to tell.
Thanks to Stephen Wolfram, we can do the integrals as an infinite series.For example, interchanging the order of the discrete infinite sum and the integration for one of the three main terms, as an example from Wolfram Alpha’s Integral Calculator one of the several terms has as a factor
∫e^(-2r^2/d^2 )(1/r^2(k-1)) dr
≅2^(((k-4)) ) r^(3-2k) (r^2/d^2 )^(k-1) Γ((1-k)/2,(2r^2)/d^2 )
I am using the incomplete Gamma function. The entire expression is extraordinarily complex, and I leave it as a homework problem for the obsessive-compulsive Idiot Savant to compute in every detail. I am too much a lazy old dog to attempt it.😉
The dominant term in the weak gravity field limit of Einstein’s 1915 classical symmetric second rank tensor equation is the 00 component of the ten components. Only combinations of those ten survive as gravity waves in the far field when the “graviton” has zero rest mass. The other tensor components form the near field which is where the warp drive time travel “engine” operates. The “graviton” does acquire rest mass inside the Floquet pumped non-equilibrium room temperature superconducting Frohlich condensates from the generalized Meissner effect seen as the Higgs mass effect in high energy physics. The screened graviton inside layered metasurface fuselages of the NHI UAPs seen in US Navy Close Encounters in the air and under the sea, and the disabling of our nuclear weapons, has rest mass in the same way that the screened photon does inside the electrical superconductor at low temperatures in thermodynamic equilibrium.
Major conceptual shift in applying Ray Chiao's EPR electron spin gyromagnetic quantum SUPER STRONG gravity conjecture.
The main barrier to acceptance of your TicTac physics theory has been the concept of variable c on the RHS of the field equations. People were stuck in Special Relativity thought, when as Einstein in this paper makes clear that in GR, variable c is natural and correct. Of course, it is easy to comprehend this misunderstanding given that in regions of weak gravity (near Earth) GR c is almost identical to SR c. The Frohlich pumped Tic Tac shell changes all of that. Here it’s all about GR c. Your tensor arguments were/are indeed correct, but people just didn’t get it. This puts deniers to rest.
Taking the real part in Equation 34 gives "exotic matter without exotic matter."
Time Travel future to past technology is seen in US Navy Close Encounters
Disclaimer: Notwithstanding any Confidential and/or Classified Information criteria which might in the future lawfully be declared by an authorized governmental entity or other organization, to the best of my knowledge, the content of this publication presently contains no invention or practical future technology; and to my knowledge is exempted from any Confidential, and/or Classified Information criteria; but instead is based upon my own personal work product and my own knowledge and information known to me prior to February 1, 2021; which information by that time already had entered into the public domain, and which subsequently is the natural and expected progression of the information contained in my 2011 DARPA NASA Paper, of which such subsequent information also has been released to the public at various times; and otherwise may be based upon and contain information from third parties authorized to make disclosure to me in correspondence, meetings, open to the public articles, publications, and conferences, etc., and further may be based upon copyrighted materials to which attribution is given.
Disclaimer: Notwithstanding any Confidential and/or Classified Information criteria which might in the future lawfully be declared by an authorized governmental entity or other organization, to the best of my knowledge, the content of this publication presently contains no invention or practical future technology; and to my knowledge is exempted from any Confidential, and/or Classified Information criteria; but instead is based upon my own personal work product and my own knowledge and information known to me prior to February 1, 2021; which information by that time already had entered into the public domain, and which subsequently is the natural and expected progression of the information contained in my 2011 DARPA NASA paper , of which such subsequent information also has been released to the public at various times; and otherwise, may be based upon and contain information from third parties authorized to make disclosure to me in correspondence, meetings, open to the public articles, publications, and conferences, etc., and further may be based upon copyrighted materials to which attribution is given
Metric Engineering Physics UAV/UFO/Tic Tac Warp Drive Vehicles in Close Encounters with US Navy Battle Groups Military Threat? Yes.
Gαβ(x) = 8π G c ^-4 Tαβ (x)
Gαβ(x) is the induced 2nd rank symmetric tensor warp gravity curvature field.
Tαβ (x) is the source stress-energy 2nd rank symmetric tensor of the applied Frohlich pump electromagnetic field inside the exotic meta-material in our problem. G is Newton's gravity constant. c is the speed of far field transverse radiation in vacuum (poles of the Feynman propagator in the complex energy plane).
G αβ (x) e^ iγ αβ x () = 8π G c 4 Φ (x) T αβ (x) e ^i [φ (x) +τ αβ (x)]
Φ (x) is the meta-material spin 0, zero-rank locally frame-invariant tensor field dimensionless susceptibility response of the exotic meta-material fuselage lattice of nano-scale "meta-atoms" to the applied Frohlich electromagnetic pump driving field.
Much new content added Feb 6, 2021
1) Guv = 8pi(G/c^4)Suv^a^bTab
2) Dr. Michael G. Anderson, Lawrence Livermore Lab Warp Fusion Reactor to test Sarfatti-Wanser S = (1/2)[er^2 + 1} = 10^32 in their ion plasma hot fusion reaction volume 10^-7 meters^3 generating 16,000 G-force and 10^22 Earth surface curvature.
3) Reverse gravity Doppler shift from Tic Tac warp drive with shape-shifting from gravity lensing of dynamic warp field inside the metamaterial fuselage.
The coupling coefficient in Einstein's 1915 General Relativity classical gravity symmetric second rank tensor field equation based on the symmetric torsion-free metric Levi-Civita connection i for parallel transport of tensor fields in the "tetrad" Local-Inertial-Frame (aka "LIF") tangent bundle fiber space of the space-time base space of the world fiber bundle, is in the conventional wisdom, fixed at the tiny value of 2 × 10 !"# !$ in MKS units. This makes control of gravity for warp drive and traversable wormhole time travel to the past in Novikov globally self-consistent "loops in time" practically impossible because too much stress-energy tensor current densities %& are needed. Physics, however, is an empirical science and we now have smoking gun evidence from the US Military now revealed in US Congressional Hearings that such technology is operational by "Non-Human Intelligence" (aka NHI) 2 that is, in my opinion, "Conscious AI" 3. Theoretical physicists are like defense lawyers taking on defendants who they think are guilty but have the right for a bias-free trial by jury. Therefore, to appease skeptics, the current investigation is in the spirit of a hypothetical inquiry in the fictional parallel universe next door, so to speak. Suppose the observations of seemingly impossible g-force sharp turns at Mach 20 are facts. How would we explain it? The basic explanation is obvious that if we can increase the coupling ≫ of 2 × 10 !"# !$ enough for a fixed desired target gravity field %& , that will decrease the "Active Gravity Mass Density" source %& generating %&. This paper argues that this is in fact the case, at least in the hypothetical parallel universe next door. ii I.