García Puchol, Oreto, Salazar García, Domingo Carlos (Eds.) Times of Neolithic Transition along the Western Mediterranean, 2017
This paper summarizes results from the AGRIWESTMED project focusing on the characterization of th... more This paper summarizes results from the AGRIWESTMED project focusing on the characterization of the first agriculture through the study of the available archaeobotanical data and including information from new sites. Detailed information on the particular features of the crop assemblages studied for each period is followed by a thorough discussion on regional patterns. These are addressed within the context of crop diversity by exploring different issues that may have accounted for such variability. The paper draws attention to the different agricultural traditions encountered in the Iberian Peninsula during the Neolithic and explores contacts with other regions and possible routes of arrival. Finally, a model of agricultural evolution during the early phases of the Neolithic in Iberia is presented.
Papers by guillem perez
no empezó con el termalismo, a principios del siglo XX,
ni se corresponde solo con las anotaciones de las primeras
ascensiones a sus cimas o los relatos de los
grandes rebaños recorriendo las cabañeras arriba y
abajo: es más bien la historia de las personas que las
poblaron. Pero estas zonas altas han sido muy poco exploradas
en busca de vestigios arqueológicos, más allá
de manifestaciones puntuales como castillos e iglesias
medievales, y particularmente Sobrarbe. En los últimos
diez años, no obstante, se han realizado en la comarca
nuevas excavaciones y prospecciones arqueológicas
cuyos resultados intenta compilar este libro, a partir
de los trabajos presentados en 2013 en las jornadas
Sobrarbe antes de Sobrarbe, en su contexto geográfico
de alta montaña.
cabo en el asentamiento prehistórico de Vilches IV (La Torre Uchea, Hellín). La intervención vino
motivada por el avance de la cantera que la empresa Grupo Levantina estaba explotando en el cerro
de Vistahermosa, junto a la Loma de Vilches. El proceso de excavación permitió documentar tres
cabañas de planta circular con áreas de actividad asociadas. El registro material remite al observado
en otros yacimientos del Neolítico final, aunque aparecen novedades entre las que cabe destacar
varios punzones de cobre.
Palabras clave: Calcolítico, Cabañas circulares, Áreas de actividad, Metalurgia.
Abstract: In this paper we present the preliminary results of the archaeological excavation carried
out in the prehistoric settlement of Vilches IV (LaTorre Uchea, Hellín). The intervention was motivated
by the advance of the quarry that Grupo Levantina was exploding on the hill of Vistahermosa, near
the Loma de Vilches. The excavation process showed the existence of three circular huts associated
with areas of activity. The archaeological record refers to that one observed at other sites of the Late
Neolithic, although it appears innovations which include several copper awls.
Keywords: Chalcolithic, Circular huts, Areas of activity, Metallurgy
from two different sites in the city of Huelva (Spain)
and the identification of vine fields in the same area suggests
that different fruit tree species (grapevine, olive,
almond and pomegranate) and vegetables such as melon
were introduced into the Iberian peninsula in the transition
from the 9th to the 8th century cal bc. These dates
represent the earliest chronology for arboriculture within
the Iberian Peninsula. The material has been preserved by
waterlogging allowing the preservation of a wide variety of
species which indicate the development of fruit tree cultivation.
The archaeological context provides information on
the connections between this innovation and the Phoenician
communities that established in the region in search
of metal resources. Fruit tree cultivation, and particularly
wine production, had a great impact on the local agriculture
which was traditionally based on the production of annual
crops. The new crops soon became an essential agricultural
element of the communities that lived in the south and
east of the Iberian Peninsula. From the 8th century cal bc
onwards, agricultural production would be mostly market