Papers by Vissarion Bachlas
Rescue excavations conducted in the site of Krania, on the north of the hill of Platamonas Castle... more Rescue excavations conducted in the site of Krania, on the north of the hill of Platamonas Castle, brought to light a diachronic residential section of the city of Pierikon Herakleion and also the remains of a well-organized
and dynamic pottery workshop.
This paper focuses on the clay lamps, which come from well-dated layers of the Late Classical to the Late Hellenistic period, a selection based on both the quantity and the variety of the material. The collection consists
exclusively of wheelmade lamps and is divided into two major categories, the Classical and the Hellenistic types.
The study and classification of the material revealed the relationship of the local production with both regional and major production centers. During the Classical period a small number of lamps was imported, mostly from the Athenian workshops. Almost at the same period the local production reproduced the most popular types of them. These types continued to be produced in the period to come, while new types gradually were adopted. The production was then intensified and its characteristics were compatible to the common Hellenistic production.
Αρχαιολογικόν Δελτίον, Μελέτες., 2020
The cave of Koudounotrypa is situated on the hill of Peranthi, on whose northern foothills the mo... more The cave of Koudounotrypa is situated on the hill of Peranthi, on whose northern foothills the modern-day city of Arta is built. This is the same region where the Corinthians chose to found Ambracia in 625 BC. The cave lies 4.5 km. south of the city. It was used as a sacred cave for the cult of the Nymphs and other accompanying deities. The sanctuary was founded at approximately the same time as the colony, and it continued in use until Late Hellenistic period. The purpose of this study is to contribute to research on the cult of the Nymphs in the city of Ambracia. Its main object of study is the group of terracotta votive relief plaques. This group is unpublished, with the exception of specific typical examples which have been included
mostly in articles of special interest. We will examine the terracotta votive relief plaques, which are also one of the largest groups of finds from the cave of Koudounotrypa, Arta. Morphology, iconographic subjects, and the construction technique used for the plaques are all examined, with the ultimate goal of investigating more general research issues, including production workshop, dissemination of terracotta plaques, and issues related to the cult of the Νymphs and Pan in Ambracia. Most of the material survives in a fragmentary state, and much of it has not
yet been conserved, in particular material from the previous research. A selection yielded a total of 336 pieces belonging to an equal number of relief plaques. Of these, commentary is provided for 278 as regards their form and iconography.
Το σπήλαιο «Κουδουνότρυπα» εντοπίζεται στη λοφοσειρά της Περάνθης, στους βόρειους πρόποδες της οποίας είναι χτισμένη η σύγχρονη πόλη της Άρτας. Την ίδια περιοχή επέλεξαν οι Κορίνθιοι το 625πΧ. για να ιδρύσουν την Αμβρακία. Το σπήλαιο απέχει 4,5 χλμ. νότια της πόλης. Χρησιμοποιήθηκε ως ιερό άντρο των Νυμφών. Η χρονολόγησή του ανάγεται περίπου ταυτόχρονα με την ίδρυση της αποικίας ως και την ύστερη ελληνιστική περίοδο. Από το σύνολο των ευρημάτων του άντρου εξετάζονται οι πήλινοι αναθηματικοί ανάγλυφοι πίνακες. Αναλύονται θέματα όπως η τεχνική κατασκευής, η προέλευση, η διάδοση, η τυπολογία της μορφής αλλά και τα εικονογραφικά θέματα που επιλέγονται, με σκοπό να διερευνηθούν στοιχεία της λατρείας των Νυμφών αλλά και η αναγνώριση του εργαστηρίου παραγωγής τους.
Pottery Workshops of the Classical Period in Pierian Herakleion, 2019
Pottery Workshops of the Classical Period in Pierian Herakleion
by Vissarion Bachlas, Anastasios ... more Pottery Workshops of the Classical Period in Pierian Herakleion
by Vissarion Bachlas, Anastasios Syros
The hill of Platamonas castle was identified with the Pierian Herakleion by the traveler E.D. Clarke and later on by L. Heuzey. Recent rescue excavations on its northern foothills, at the site of Krania, confirmed this identification, as there was discovered a diachronic residential section of the city, spanning from prehistory to modern era. The excavated area is presumably associated with the harbor of Herakleion. The classical phase of the site is represented by two consecutive settlements, dating back to the 5th through the first half of the 4th c. BC. The in situ building remains comprise two consecutive circular stone structures, probably associated with the installation of a pottery wheel, a semi-subterranean storage area, which contained a large number of identical transport amphoras, ceramic kilns, and two wells. Excavation work revealed a large quantity of clay implements related to ceramic production activities, mainly rings and other supports. Large utensils with impressed floral decoration and pointed transport amphoras in the classical type of Mende were identified as predominant products of the local workshop. The local pottery production included also a variety of plain domestic and decorated fine ware. It reflects various influences from the Macedonian tradition, the cities of Chalkidike, East Greece and the Northeastern
Aegean, as well as from Attica. Moreover, a significant presence of imported Attic pottery of high quality is recorded. In conclusion, during the Classical era the city of Herakleion was equipped with a well-organized and dynamic pottery workshop. Its production was mainly focused on manufacturing transport amphoras of Mende’s type. Products included a variety of shapes, destined to cover the current needs of the city and neighboring regions. The local pottery tradition is clearly recognizable. However, it is obvious that Herakleion’s workshop also operates within a broad network of relationships – and, presumably, commercial links – with the production centers of Attica and the Northeastern Aegean.
From the excavations conducted in the last decade in south Pieria, in the public works ERGOSE and... more From the excavations conducted in the last decade in south Pieria, in the public works ERGOSE and PATHE Motorway resulted numerous finds from known and new sites (Phila, Herakleion and Leivithra). In the city of Pierikon Herakleion is observed during the Late Classical and Hellenistic period an intense building activity and spatial organization characterized by large scale buildings. Pottery, both imported and local, included a
large variety of shapes. We selected to discuss here the stamped amphorae trade. The stamped amphorae of Pierikon Herakleion, 136 pieces in total, trace back to known Hellenistic trade centers of wine like Mende, Thasos, Acanthus, Rhodes, Cnidus, etc. We pose various questions concerning the construction and sealing as well as the
different types of stamps. From the short excavation researches conducted on the acropolis of Leivithra during the last years, a small
number of stamped amphora handles has been found mostly dated in the Late Hellenistic period, late 2nd century BC. Finally in a late Classical farmhouse at the site of Komboloi, which shows a remarkable pecialization in vine cultivation and wine production, 19 stamped amphorae handles have been found. The farmhouse is located on the
coast of the region of Leivithra. The comparison of the finds for possible differences, beyond the quantitative, is expected to answer questions about the relationship between the main city and its periphery, the wine consumption preferences, the trade and manufacturing of this type of the pottery.
Οι περισσότερες ανακοινώσεις ανασκαφών ή αντικειμένου ν έχουν προκαταρκτικό χαρακτήρα και για οπο... more Οι περισσότερες ανακοινώσεις ανασκαφών ή αντικειμένου ν έχουν προκαταρκτικό χαρακτήρα και για οποιαδήποτε αναδημοσίευσή τους χρειάζεται η άδεια του ανασκαφέα. Ευχαριστίες οφείλονται στον Σύλλογο των Φίλων του Αρχαιολογικού Μουσείου Θεσσαλονίκης και της ΙΣΤ' Εφορείας Αρχαιοτήτων για τη συμβολή του στην οργάνωση του ΑΕΜΘ.
Αρχαιολογικά ανάλεκτα εξ Αθηνών, 1990
During the 1994 and 1995 excavations in Plateia Diikitiriou, two trial trenches were sunk to some... more During the 1994 and 1995 excavations in Plateia Diikitiriou, two trial trenches were sunk to some depth beneath the floor of the building of the main phase, whose construction goes back to the 1st c. BC. A large number of portable finds dating from the end of the 4th down to the 2nd c. AD, together with the building phases identified, attest to the existence of a large Hellenistic core which probably extended over the larger part of the excavated area. The two categories of pottery that have been investigated, sherds from relief vases and ‘West Slope’ pottery, are represented by a variety of shapes and decorative motifs that cover the entire 3rd and 2nd c. BC and point to relations between this early settlement core and production centres in Athens and Macedonia.
Το Πιερικόν Ηράκλειον ταυτίστηκε ήδη το 1816 από τον περιηγητή Clark και στη συνέχεια από το Heu... more Το Πιερικόν Ηράκλειον ταυτίστηκε ήδη το 1816 από τον περιηγητή Clark και στη συνέχεια από το Heuezey. Στην θέση Κρανιά, στις βόρειες υπώρειες του λόφου του κάστρου του Πλαταμώνα, μία περιοχή που συσχετίστηκε με το λιμάνι του Ηρακλείου, ανασκάφτηκε ένα διαχρονικό οικιστικό δείγμα της πόλης, από την προϊστορία έως την πρόσφατη ιστορία. Οι ελληνιστικές φάσεις αντιπροσωπεύονται από μεγάλης έκτασης οικοδομικά προγράμματα με τρία πλούσια σε ευρήματα στρώματα καταστροφής, που χρονολογούνται από τα τέλη του 4ου αι. π.Χ. ως τα μέσα του 2ου αι. π.Χ. Από τις φάσεις αυτές επιλέχθηκε η παρουσίαση δύο πηγαδιών – αποθετών, που λειτουργούν σε όλο τον 3ο αι. π.Χ. Η περιοχή στην οποία εντοπίσθηκαν είχε από τα κλασσικά χρόνια εργαστηριακό χαρακτήρα, με εγκατάσταση κεραμικών κλιβάνων και κεραμικού τροχού.
Το περιεχόμενο είναι πλούσιο σε σχήματα και κατηγορίες κεραμικής, νομίσματα, μεταλλικά και πήλινα μικροευρήματα και υπολείμματα τροφών αλλά και εργαστηριακά απορρίμματα. Κύριος στόχος της εργασίας είναι να διευκρινιστεί η λειτουργία των αποθετών σε σχέση με κεραμικά εργαστήρια της πόλης. Στη μελέτη θα περιλαμβάνονται η πλήρης επεξεργασία των δεδομένων, η ταυτοποίηση και η χρονολόγηση του υλικού με βάση την σύγκρισή του με τα γνωστά κέντρα παραγωγής και η αντιμετώπισή του ως κλειστού συνόλου.
My new section by Vissarion Bachlas
Papers by Vissarion Bachlas
and dynamic pottery workshop.
This paper focuses on the clay lamps, which come from well-dated layers of the Late Classical to the Late Hellenistic period, a selection based on both the quantity and the variety of the material. The collection consists
exclusively of wheelmade lamps and is divided into two major categories, the Classical and the Hellenistic types.
The study and classification of the material revealed the relationship of the local production with both regional and major production centers. During the Classical period a small number of lamps was imported, mostly from the Athenian workshops. Almost at the same period the local production reproduced the most popular types of them. These types continued to be produced in the period to come, while new types gradually were adopted. The production was then intensified and its characteristics were compatible to the common Hellenistic production.
mostly in articles of special interest. We will examine the terracotta votive relief plaques, which are also one of the largest groups of finds from the cave of Koudounotrypa, Arta. Morphology, iconographic subjects, and the construction technique used for the plaques are all examined, with the ultimate goal of investigating more general research issues, including production workshop, dissemination of terracotta plaques, and issues related to the cult of the Νymphs and Pan in Ambracia. Most of the material survives in a fragmentary state, and much of it has not
yet been conserved, in particular material from the previous research. A selection yielded a total of 336 pieces belonging to an equal number of relief plaques. Of these, commentary is provided for 278 as regards their form and iconography.
Το σπήλαιο «Κουδουνότρυπα» εντοπίζεται στη λοφοσειρά της Περάνθης, στους βόρειους πρόποδες της οποίας είναι χτισμένη η σύγχρονη πόλη της Άρτας. Την ίδια περιοχή επέλεξαν οι Κορίνθιοι το 625πΧ. για να ιδρύσουν την Αμβρακία. Το σπήλαιο απέχει 4,5 χλμ. νότια της πόλης. Χρησιμοποιήθηκε ως ιερό άντρο των Νυμφών. Η χρονολόγησή του ανάγεται περίπου ταυτόχρονα με την ίδρυση της αποικίας ως και την ύστερη ελληνιστική περίοδο. Από το σύνολο των ευρημάτων του άντρου εξετάζονται οι πήλινοι αναθηματικοί ανάγλυφοι πίνακες. Αναλύονται θέματα όπως η τεχνική κατασκευής, η προέλευση, η διάδοση, η τυπολογία της μορφής αλλά και τα εικονογραφικά θέματα που επιλέγονται, με σκοπό να διερευνηθούν στοιχεία της λατρείας των Νυμφών αλλά και η αναγνώριση του εργαστηρίου παραγωγής τους.
by Vissarion Bachlas, Anastasios Syros
The hill of Platamonas castle was identified with the Pierian Herakleion by the traveler E.D. Clarke and later on by L. Heuzey. Recent rescue excavations on its northern foothills, at the site of Krania, confirmed this identification, as there was discovered a diachronic residential section of the city, spanning from prehistory to modern era. The excavated area is presumably associated with the harbor of Herakleion. The classical phase of the site is represented by two consecutive settlements, dating back to the 5th through the first half of the 4th c. BC. The in situ building remains comprise two consecutive circular stone structures, probably associated with the installation of a pottery wheel, a semi-subterranean storage area, which contained a large number of identical transport amphoras, ceramic kilns, and two wells. Excavation work revealed a large quantity of clay implements related to ceramic production activities, mainly rings and other supports. Large utensils with impressed floral decoration and pointed transport amphoras in the classical type of Mende were identified as predominant products of the local workshop. The local pottery production included also a variety of plain domestic and decorated fine ware. It reflects various influences from the Macedonian tradition, the cities of Chalkidike, East Greece and the Northeastern
Aegean, as well as from Attica. Moreover, a significant presence of imported Attic pottery of high quality is recorded. In conclusion, during the Classical era the city of Herakleion was equipped with a well-organized and dynamic pottery workshop. Its production was mainly focused on manufacturing transport amphoras of Mende’s type. Products included a variety of shapes, destined to cover the current needs of the city and neighboring regions. The local pottery tradition is clearly recognizable. However, it is obvious that Herakleion’s workshop also operates within a broad network of relationships – and, presumably, commercial links – with the production centers of Attica and the Northeastern Aegean.
large variety of shapes. We selected to discuss here the stamped amphorae trade. The stamped amphorae of Pierikon Herakleion, 136 pieces in total, trace back to known Hellenistic trade centers of wine like Mende, Thasos, Acanthus, Rhodes, Cnidus, etc. We pose various questions concerning the construction and sealing as well as the
different types of stamps. From the short excavation researches conducted on the acropolis of Leivithra during the last years, a small
number of stamped amphora handles has been found mostly dated in the Late Hellenistic period, late 2nd century BC. Finally in a late Classical farmhouse at the site of Komboloi, which shows a remarkable pecialization in vine cultivation and wine production, 19 stamped amphorae handles have been found. The farmhouse is located on the
coast of the region of Leivithra. The comparison of the finds for possible differences, beyond the quantitative, is expected to answer questions about the relationship between the main city and its periphery, the wine consumption preferences, the trade and manufacturing of this type of the pottery.
Το περιεχόμενο είναι πλούσιο σε σχήματα και κατηγορίες κεραμικής, νομίσματα, μεταλλικά και πήλινα μικροευρήματα και υπολείμματα τροφών αλλά και εργαστηριακά απορρίμματα. Κύριος στόχος της εργασίας είναι να διευκρινιστεί η λειτουργία των αποθετών σε σχέση με κεραμικά εργαστήρια της πόλης. Στη μελέτη θα περιλαμβάνονται η πλήρης επεξεργασία των δεδομένων, η ταυτοποίηση και η χρονολόγηση του υλικού με βάση την σύγκρισή του με τα γνωστά κέντρα παραγωγής και η αντιμετώπισή του ως κλειστού συνόλου.
My new section by Vissarion Bachlas
and dynamic pottery workshop.
This paper focuses on the clay lamps, which come from well-dated layers of the Late Classical to the Late Hellenistic period, a selection based on both the quantity and the variety of the material. The collection consists
exclusively of wheelmade lamps and is divided into two major categories, the Classical and the Hellenistic types.
The study and classification of the material revealed the relationship of the local production with both regional and major production centers. During the Classical period a small number of lamps was imported, mostly from the Athenian workshops. Almost at the same period the local production reproduced the most popular types of them. These types continued to be produced in the period to come, while new types gradually were adopted. The production was then intensified and its characteristics were compatible to the common Hellenistic production.
mostly in articles of special interest. We will examine the terracotta votive relief plaques, which are also one of the largest groups of finds from the cave of Koudounotrypa, Arta. Morphology, iconographic subjects, and the construction technique used for the plaques are all examined, with the ultimate goal of investigating more general research issues, including production workshop, dissemination of terracotta plaques, and issues related to the cult of the Νymphs and Pan in Ambracia. Most of the material survives in a fragmentary state, and much of it has not
yet been conserved, in particular material from the previous research. A selection yielded a total of 336 pieces belonging to an equal number of relief plaques. Of these, commentary is provided for 278 as regards their form and iconography.
Το σπήλαιο «Κουδουνότρυπα» εντοπίζεται στη λοφοσειρά της Περάνθης, στους βόρειους πρόποδες της οποίας είναι χτισμένη η σύγχρονη πόλη της Άρτας. Την ίδια περιοχή επέλεξαν οι Κορίνθιοι το 625πΧ. για να ιδρύσουν την Αμβρακία. Το σπήλαιο απέχει 4,5 χλμ. νότια της πόλης. Χρησιμοποιήθηκε ως ιερό άντρο των Νυμφών. Η χρονολόγησή του ανάγεται περίπου ταυτόχρονα με την ίδρυση της αποικίας ως και την ύστερη ελληνιστική περίοδο. Από το σύνολο των ευρημάτων του άντρου εξετάζονται οι πήλινοι αναθηματικοί ανάγλυφοι πίνακες. Αναλύονται θέματα όπως η τεχνική κατασκευής, η προέλευση, η διάδοση, η τυπολογία της μορφής αλλά και τα εικονογραφικά θέματα που επιλέγονται, με σκοπό να διερευνηθούν στοιχεία της λατρείας των Νυμφών αλλά και η αναγνώριση του εργαστηρίου παραγωγής τους.
by Vissarion Bachlas, Anastasios Syros
The hill of Platamonas castle was identified with the Pierian Herakleion by the traveler E.D. Clarke and later on by L. Heuzey. Recent rescue excavations on its northern foothills, at the site of Krania, confirmed this identification, as there was discovered a diachronic residential section of the city, spanning from prehistory to modern era. The excavated area is presumably associated with the harbor of Herakleion. The classical phase of the site is represented by two consecutive settlements, dating back to the 5th through the first half of the 4th c. BC. The in situ building remains comprise two consecutive circular stone structures, probably associated with the installation of a pottery wheel, a semi-subterranean storage area, which contained a large number of identical transport amphoras, ceramic kilns, and two wells. Excavation work revealed a large quantity of clay implements related to ceramic production activities, mainly rings and other supports. Large utensils with impressed floral decoration and pointed transport amphoras in the classical type of Mende were identified as predominant products of the local workshop. The local pottery production included also a variety of plain domestic and decorated fine ware. It reflects various influences from the Macedonian tradition, the cities of Chalkidike, East Greece and the Northeastern
Aegean, as well as from Attica. Moreover, a significant presence of imported Attic pottery of high quality is recorded. In conclusion, during the Classical era the city of Herakleion was equipped with a well-organized and dynamic pottery workshop. Its production was mainly focused on manufacturing transport amphoras of Mende’s type. Products included a variety of shapes, destined to cover the current needs of the city and neighboring regions. The local pottery tradition is clearly recognizable. However, it is obvious that Herakleion’s workshop also operates within a broad network of relationships – and, presumably, commercial links – with the production centers of Attica and the Northeastern Aegean.
large variety of shapes. We selected to discuss here the stamped amphorae trade. The stamped amphorae of Pierikon Herakleion, 136 pieces in total, trace back to known Hellenistic trade centers of wine like Mende, Thasos, Acanthus, Rhodes, Cnidus, etc. We pose various questions concerning the construction and sealing as well as the
different types of stamps. From the short excavation researches conducted on the acropolis of Leivithra during the last years, a small
number of stamped amphora handles has been found mostly dated in the Late Hellenistic period, late 2nd century BC. Finally in a late Classical farmhouse at the site of Komboloi, which shows a remarkable pecialization in vine cultivation and wine production, 19 stamped amphorae handles have been found. The farmhouse is located on the
coast of the region of Leivithra. The comparison of the finds for possible differences, beyond the quantitative, is expected to answer questions about the relationship between the main city and its periphery, the wine consumption preferences, the trade and manufacturing of this type of the pottery.
Το περιεχόμενο είναι πλούσιο σε σχήματα και κατηγορίες κεραμικής, νομίσματα, μεταλλικά και πήλινα μικροευρήματα και υπολείμματα τροφών αλλά και εργαστηριακά απορρίμματα. Κύριος στόχος της εργασίας είναι να διευκρινιστεί η λειτουργία των αποθετών σε σχέση με κεραμικά εργαστήρια της πόλης. Στη μελέτη θα περιλαμβάνονται η πλήρης επεξεργασία των δεδομένων, η ταυτοποίηση και η χρονολόγηση του υλικού με βάση την σύγκρισή του με τα γνωστά κέντρα παραγωγής και η αντιμετώπισή του ως κλειστού συνόλου.