Picture rail

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Picture Ledge Shelf DIY
Picture Ledge Shelf Set of 3, Gallery Wall Style, Easy Mounting, Floating style Wood - No Stain / 24 inch
These floating wood picture ledge shelves are perfect for your picture gallery, nursery books, spices, art display or any other vertical décor pieces. Select a size that fits your vision and a color to match. Available in 18", 24" or 30" lengths(24" Pictured). Handmade and super easy installation using 2 front entry drywall screws(included). No measuring or fussing trying to find the hanger (you’ll thank us later). This also means it will stay sturdy on your wall with no risk of being knocked of
How to Make Quick and Easy Picture Rails
After living in our house nearly a year, I still hadn’t hung up many pictures or decor on the walls. I kept changing my mind on what I wanted! So to suit my ever-changing ideas, I built these simple picture rails so changing pictures and art out would be super easy, without having to worry about sizes and adding new holes in the wall every time. Best of all, this project is very inexpensive! For two 4 foot shelves, you need two 1”x4”s (8’ long), a 1”x2” (also 8’), and a handful of wo…