The Ordinary & Deciem Regimens

The 5 main regimens Deciem recommend for signs of ageing, pigmentation, dehydration, textural irregularities and look of blemishes and congestion. #deciemchatroom #deciemaddicts #theordinary #theordinaryskincare #theordinaryregimens
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The Ordinary Routine For Dullness - best products to brighten your skin
Deciem have released more new regimens/routines. The latest one is to target dullness. Heres the recommended routine with some alternatives to suit every budget. . #theordinaryskincare #theordinary #deciem #deciemroutines #deciemregimens #theordinaryregimens #skincare #dullness #brighteningregimen
The Ordinary Sensitive Skin Regimen
The recommended products by Deciem for people with sensitive skin.
Blemishes & Congestion Routine
The Regimen for Look of blemishes and signs of congestion. You can come and join The Ordinary & Deciem Chat Room on Facebook if you’re interested. This page, group and website is independent of DECIEM. #deciemchatroom #deciemaddicts #theordinary #theordinaryregimens
Rosacea Regimen
The Ordinary Regimen for Rosacea. These are the products Deciem recommend for people who suffer with Rosacea.
Blemishes & Congestion Routine
The Regimen for Look of blemishes and signs of congestion. You can come and join The Ordinary & Deciem Chat Room on Facebook if you’re interested. This page, group and website is independent of DECIEM. #deciemchatroom #deciemaddicts #theordinary #theordinaryregimens
The Ordinary Dehydration Routine
The Ordinary regimen for Dehydrated skin. This is what Deciem recommend. Make sure your cleanser isn’t drying your skin out too! #deciemchatroom #deciemaddicts #theordinary #theordinaryregimens #dehydratedskin
The Ordinary Pigmentation Routine
The Ordinary Pigmentation Regimen - just a few products Deciem recommend for pigmentation.
The Ordinary Textural Irregularities Regimen
The Ordinary Textural Irregularities Regimen - buy a set regimen or you can ask Deciem for a regimen. You really don’t need to spend a lot of money. There’s also The Ordinary & Deciem Chat Room Facebook Group where you can come and join. #deciemchatroom #deciemaddicts #theordinary #theordinaryregimens #texturalirregularities
The Ordinary General Signs Of Ageing Regimen
The Ordinary General Signs of Ageing Regimen. You don’t need too many products when starting out. #deciemchatroom #deciemaddicts #theordinary #theordinaryregimens #signsofageing