JJs first birthday

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Camping Themed Party Cake
2 tiered camping themed birthday party cake with fondant camping decorations #sweetstirrings #campingparty #campingtheme #8thbirthday #boybirthday #boypartytheme #camping
S’mores Swiss Meringue Cupcakes
Cupcakes by Foody Mommy Camarillo #smores #cupcakes #baking #swissmeringue #toasty #delicious #birthday #campingtheme #camping
Easy S’mores Treats Pops - Fab Everyday
(#ad) I’m sharing an adorable and easy treat idea perfect for a camping or outdoor-themed spring or summer party: Easy S’mores Treat Pops! With a look and taste reminiscent of campfire s’mores, not only are they cute, they’re also delicious, and can be made using @wilton products found conveniently in the cake decorating section at @Walmart. Click or visit FabEveryday.com for the detailed smores treats instructions and list of specific products used. #WiltonCakes #WiltonAtWalmart