Architecture | Derelict

In the old abandoned house sections of ceiling hang limp in the stagnant air. Fragments of plaster lie damp over a long untrodden floor, their only purpose to soak in the seasonal rain. Cold water seeps through window frames, rotten and blistered, to nurse the mildew and rise up wallpapers that peel. The cupboards are a time-warp of long forgotten brands that barely live on even in the memories of the elderly.
62 Pins
Urban Exploration
Mortuarium Schoonselhof, Antwerp, Belgium. “This morgue was abandoned some years ago; they left all tools and chemicals in its place. We found autopsy instruments untouched for years (we hope). There were some needles and sewing materials, a strainer scooper and electric bone saws. A chalkboard for recording examination data."
OMG why and how could someone leave that gorgeous piece of furniture behind. Just look at that mirror.
Life Like A Fairytale
Abandoned Castle in Ireland From orphania on Tumblr
An abandoned industrial complex in St. Petersburg
'Krasny Treugolnik' in St. Petersburg
This is King William Street station which was the first station to be closed. it was abandoned in 1899
Abandoned. Little pest depot. Budapest hungary built in 1887.