
12 Pins
Teaching Two Syllable Words
I love teaching two syllable words! It's always exciting when I get to that point in the year where they are ready to take that next step...
50 States Research Activity -
50 States Research Activity - a blog post with step-by-step instructions for setting up this fun and meaningful learning activity. It's a great way to combine research, note-taking, cooperative learning, and presentation skills.
FREEBIE Testing Info for Parents
FREEBIE Testing Info for Parents
Teacher's touching note reminds students they're worth more than their test scores
Every child should receive a copy of this letter about standardized tests. "The scores you will get from these tests will tell you something, but they will not tell you everything. These tests do not define you. There are many ways of being smart. You are smart!"
Students Sent Home With Incredible Note From Teacher Reminding Them They’re More Than Their Test Scores
Elementary school testing, teacher note to students, #FTW (For the Win!)
State Testing Motivational Letter
A motivational note to help get students ready for their state testing. Show your students you believe in them, while gently reminding them of taking their time and following directions. $
H Brothers (Digraphs)
This is a fun way to have the little ones remember the H digraphs: wh, sh, ch, and th. It is a cute little story I once learned at a workshop. You ...
Have Fun with Consonant Blends!
Have Fun with Consonant Blends :With feet together, they jump on each blend and say the sound as they land. Then they throw the beanbag into the basket and read the word.