
502 Pins
Rumi is Rumi | Julia Roberts once said: | Facebook
Rumi is Rumi | Julia Roberts once said: | Facebook
3.4K views · 1K reactions | 💛 Some of the deepest connections in life come from the people who choose to love us as their own. 🌿 Whether it’s a best friend’s parents, a mentor, or a group of friends who’ve become your safe space—family is about love, not just blood. If you have someone who has made you feel like family, let them know how much they mean to you. 💛 Who in your life has shown you this kind of love? Share in the comments below! ⬇️✨ ✨If you like our content, follow @heartfelt_writing_journey for daily doses of friendship inspiration! ❤️ Your support is greatly appreciated, and I’m thankful for every view. 💬 Please share your thoughts in the comments, save this for later, and help spread positivity by sharing this reel! | Maggie l Friendship Advice & Inspiration
3.4K views · 1K reactions | 💛 Some of the deepest connections in life come from the people who choose to love us as their own. 🌿 Whether it’s a best friend’s parents, a mentor, or a group of friends who’ve become your safe space—family is about love, not just blood. If you have someone who has made you feel like family, let them know how much they mean to you. 💛 Who in your life has shown you this kind of love? Share in the comments below! ⬇️✨ ✨If you like our content, follow @heartfelt_writing_journey for daily doses of friendship inspiration! ❤️ Your support is greatly appreciated, and I’m thankful for every view. 💬 Please share your thoughts in the comments, save this for later, and help spread positivity by sharing this reel! | Maggie l Friendship Advice & Inspiration
51K views · 2.3K reactions | A Mother is always in 1 of 3 places | A Mother is always in 1 of 3 places | By Lead to Happiness | Facebook
5.9K views · 378 reactions | A Mother is always in 1 of 3 places | A Mother is always in 1 of 3 places | By Lead to Happiness | Facebook
178K views · 1K reactions | 10 Habits Of Happy People #happypeople #habits #habitsofsuccessfulpeople #lifequotes #quotestoliveby #quotesandsayings | Good Way Life
143K views · 871 reactions | 10 Habits Of Happy People #happypeople #habits #habitsofsuccessfulpeople #lifequotes #quotestoliveby #quotesandsayings | Good Way Life
3.5K reactions · 1.5K shares | Let them be! #distanceyourself #stayaway #disrespectful #loveyourself #respectyourself #focusonyourself #focusonthegood #focusonwhatmatters #knowyourworth #knowwhoyouare #knowwhatyouwant #positivity #positivevibes #findyourtribe #letthembe #youdeservemore #youdeservehappiness #youdeservebetter #prioritizeyourself #prioritizeyou #protectyourself #protectyourpeace #protectyourenergy #protectyourheart #bekindtoyourself #selfcare #selflove #selflovejourney #selfcarethreads | Eat Pray Coffee Slay
1K reactions · 509 shares | Let them be! #distanceyourself #stayaway #disrespectful #loveyourself #respectyourself #focusonyourself #focusonthegood #focusonwhatmatters #knowyourworth #knowwhoyouare #knowwhatyouwant #positivity #positivevibes #findyourtribe #letthembe #youdeservemore #youdeservehappiness #youdeservebetter #prioritizeyourself #prioritizeyou #protectyourself #protectyourpeace #protectyourenergy #protectyourheart #bekindtoyourself #selfcare #selflove #selflovejourney #selfcarethreads | Eat Pray Coffee Slay
23K views · 69K reactions | Truly makes all the difference 🤍 I appreciate you As you grow older, you realize that only the low-maintenance friendships truly last—the ones that don’t stress over a cancellation or a delayed reply. The friends who understand we’re all navigating busy lives and personal battles. The ones who make friendship feel effortless, not draining, and remind you it’s meant to be the easiest part of life. If this reminds you of someone, send it their way 🤍 #friendship #momlife #motherhood Video: @omar__1204 | Anna.Marie.Shartzer
15K views · 2.4K reactions | Truly makes all the difference 🤍 I appreciate you As you grow older, you realize that only the low-maintenance friendships truly last—the ones that don’t stress over a cancellation or a delayed reply. The friends who understand we’re all navigating busy lives and personal battles. The ones who make friendship feel effortless, not draining, and remind you it’s meant to be the easiest part of life. If this reminds you of someone, send it their way 🤍 #friendship #momlife #motherhood Video: @omar__1204 | Anna.Marie.Shartzer
6.7M views · 147K reactions | Daily Viral | Facebook
895K views · 29K reactions | Daily Viral | Facebook
4.7K reactions · 1.7K shares | Goodnight everyone | Thomas P. Jeffers
3K reactions · 1.1K shares | Goodnight everyone | Thomas P. Jeffers
952K views · 9.2K reactions | My Big Kids.. | By Inspire Your Beautiful Soul | Facebook
631K views · 6.9K reactions | My Big Kids.. | By Inspire Your Beautiful Soul | Facebook