Garment manufacturing

140 Pins
How To Sew Bra Straps . A DIY Adjustable Bra Straps Tutorial - Creative Fashion Blog
By the time you are done with this little tutorial, you’ll be able to confidantly create adjustable straps for all of your lingerie-making… or tank top making projects. Enjoy!
This may contain: two hands touching each other near a piece of brown paper that is folded in half
Finishing the sleeve slit in the «Liv» and «Lee» shirts Pattern: #tanyataidi_patterns_liv_lee
This may contain: someone is using a sewing machine to sew something
Produção das Máscaras de dormir e almofadas térmicas
This may contain: someone is cutting out the pattern for a dress
Tailored shirt using simplicity x Mimi G #S8427
This may contain: two hands on top of white paper with one hand reaching for the other, sitting on a wooden table
Пошив юбки трапеции
This may contain: someone is sewing a jacket with the zipper down and text overlay reads, how to sew a partial zipper
How to Sew a Partial Zipper DIY sewing tutorial tips and tricks Nähen Costuras Couture 옷만들기 Naale
Attach an All-in-one Facing to Sleeveless Garments - Threads
Come rinforzare il giromanica di una giacca