Planner Ideas

54 Pins
30 Fun and Effective Ways to Use a Blank Notebook
Getting a brand new blank notebook is one of the most exciting sensations. There is so much potential, so much freedom! The feeling of cracking open the front cover, the texture of the paper in your hands... it can be intoxicating. But it can also be quite intimidating! I know what it's like to have a vast collection of underused journals, but I've found dozens of ways to put beautiful blank notebooks to good use. #blanknotebook #halfusednotebooks #notebookuses #notebookideas #ideasfornotebooks
One Year in a Sort of Bullet Journal - Marisa Mohi
Sometimes you need a flexible planner for getting shit done and taking care of your mental health. That's what the sort of bullet journal is for. #planning #bulletjournal #bulletjournalideas #bulletjournalspreads
Home Project Notebook: Operation House to Haven – Let's Live and Learn
Home Project Notebook: Operation House to Haven – Let's Live and Learn