Honda 50-125

59 Pins
Something a little different from his usual CB builds, a Honda S90 built by @kottmotorcycles. Diggin’ it, thanks Dustin! . Photo by…
(1971-1972) - Jeff Ward racing a Honda 50cc Mini-Bike Ward was de eerste motorcrosser die alle reeksen van de American Motorcyclist Association won. Hij won 56 races en zeven kampioenschappen.
‪FRESH FRIDAYS: 10TH EDITION‬ Fresh Fridays!!! Featuring the boys from TRIKSPEED, from Seattle. @spriggan380 @quoc_tran@datamas Thx for your continuous support!! We love your rides. Goddes & She "Respect My Fresh" Fresh Fridays, brought to you by
バイク買い取り、直売のCONNECT(コネクト) 元ミニカー専門店 ピークスモペッズのブログ (彦根自転車タクシー協会、キッチンカー開業サポート)
ホンダ ピープル専門店 ピークス店長のブログ もっと見る
PEAKS MOPED'S(ピークスモペッズ)
Motorcycle News & Hands-On Gear Reviews - webBikeWorld
Chaly mutant built by Peaks Mopeds of Japan - Image 29836
Maru1 Motorcycle
Maru1 Motorcycle