A Bad Case of Stripes

13 Pins
A Bad Case of Stripes Class Book
My students love the book A Bad Case of Stripes by David Shannon. This year I decided to read the book to my students but stop before the end. This...
A Bad Case of Stripes Project.pdf - Google Drive A template to make Camilla Cream from the story. Comes with writing paper.
Visualizing Activity! I read aloud A Bad Case of Stripes while the students closed their eyes and the students created Camilla Cream how they visualized her in the story!
Artwork published by Caitlyn1016
positive/negative hands - would be cool to work in the color wheel also like is done here
A Bad Case of Stripes by David Shannon - Teaching Ideas
This is a great book. The Picture Book Teacher's Edition: A Bad Case of Stripes by David Shannon
2010: Art Project 5--Warm vs. Cool Colors
warm hand colors, cool background colors. They trace their hands onto circle background and then color. Great illustration for our being the hands and feet of God while teaching about color theory.
"A Bad Case of Stripes" Activities | "Stripes" Book Companion
Activities to go with "A Bad Case of Stripes" could be adapted for younger kids....take the idea and use as inspiration. Love this book.
Analyzing Characters {Freebie}
Read With Me ABC: A Bad Case of the Stripes - Character Trait Graphic Organizer {Freebie}
First Day of School Activities (and Why Teachers Need Play Dough)
Bad Case of the Stripes..........great for the beginning of the year.............respecting all people, first guided writing, great open house art/project
All About Character Traits
Use post-its to have children contribute to a class-wide effort of creating a graphic organizer. That way they can participate in a physical way, without having to get up to use the whiteboard.