Wildlife Photography, Animal Posters, Flower Photography, and Animal Flashcards

This board shows the quality of photos I take for commercial photograph projects. Educational photo topics primarily revolve around nature and animals. I Love Wildlife!
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Winter red fox at Bombay Hook Wildlife Preserve 2017
Otter in a tree, taken at the Virginia Living Museum. On that day, the otter scurried up into a tree! Photo by Mia Swan, 1st Place winner at the State Fair.
Mallard duck, taken at the Virginia Marine Science Museum, happily awaiting a photo!
Blue heron photo taken at Newport News Park. We threw some bread into the water for the fish, and they all came to eat. The wave action from the fish enticed the heron immediately, and he had a nice tasty meal too! Photo by Mia Swan, 1st place winner at the State Fair.
Badgers waking up from a nap summer 2016, photo by Mia Swan
Yummy! Giraffe photo by Mia Swan
Gazelle St Louis Zoo Spring 2016 photo by Mia Swan