Yoga 🤍✨

861 Pins
IMPROVE HIP MOBILITY & FLEXIBILITY with this strong yoga flow! 👉move slowly and mindfully 👉hold each pose for about 5 breaths #yoga #vinyasa #yogaflow
🍂Join Rachel Nava and me for a refilling Autumn Equinox Mini-Retreat! We will meet Sunday, September 22nd, at 1:00 PM to practice Breathwork and Restorative Yoga.🫶 The Autumn Equinox is a great time for self-reflection and appreciation for all our blessings. We will work to find balance and gratitude to honor the change in seasons: life and nature. 🍂 $30 per ticket, this event will include: • Pranayama • Restorative Yoga • Meditation • A Closing Ceremony • Time to gather, chat, and snack Cl...
Freebie Library — Yoga Kali
Jump-start your feel-good life with a digital library of downloadable yoga routines, cheat sheets, and e-books. 100% FREE.
This may contain: a woman standing on a yoga mat with her hands behind her back
Effektive Blasenschwäche Übungen für mehr Stabilität im Beckenboden
Du hast eine Blasenschwäche? Probiere meine Übung für Zuhause gleich aus, oder merke sie dir für später. Du findest keine Balance bei meiner Blasenschwäche Übung? Leichtere Variante für den Start: Halte dich an der Wand oder einem Stuhl fest. Auch während Schwangerschaft & Rückbildung geeignet. Toller Nebeneffekt: auch die stabilisierende Muskulatur der Fußgelenke, Füße & Knie wird gestärkt. Für dein strukturiertes Beckenbodentraining zur Stärkung der Tiefenmuskulatur & Linderung / Prävention von Beckenboden-Problemen auch Jahre nach den Geburten teste gern meinen Online Beckenboden Intensivkurs mit kurzen, effektiven Workouts für dein Training zu Hause. Mehr auf
10 Min Core Yoga für Bauch & Beckenboden
5-10 Min für eine starke Körpermitte & eine gute Aufrichtung: Mache gleich mit! Mit dieser Yoga Sequenz kräftigst du die tiefen Muskeln von #Bauch & #Beckenboden intensiv. ❌️ Für wen leider nicht geeignet: Frauen in der Rückbildung / Bei Rektusdiastase (Bauchspalt > 2 cm) In der Schwangerschaft ❗️ Halte bei den Übungen den #Beckenboden immer aktiv & ziehe den Bauchnabel Richtung Wirbelsäule. Wiederholungen: 5-8x (pro Seite). Deine Lisa
#Repost @kwcyoga —— If your hips feel tight no matter how much you stretch, try these! Sometimes tightness in the hips can be a sign of weakness in the surrounding muscles rather than a lack of flexibility. By incorporating a mix of stretching and strengthening, you can create balanced, healthy and open hips. Save these exercises to try later 🍑🤍 Follow us 👉👉@yogadailypractizez #yogadailypractizez #hipmobility #hippain #hipstretch #pilatesworkout
EVERYDAY YOGA to release pain and stiffness 👉move slowly and mindfully 👉relax into the poses #yoga #beginneryoga
5 min MORNING MOBILITY Remember to breathe naturally through your nose and move slowly and mindfully through each movement💙 #mobility #morningroutine
Starting class with a little spice and a little sweetness 🔥🍯 to get the body primed for the flow ahead. This activation sequence combines activation and release with: 🔹 Chair Pose – building strength and stability 🔹 Rag Doll – releasing tension, letting gravity do its work 🔹 Folded Twist – bringing in a gentle twist to wake up the spine 🔹 Low Lunge – opening through the hips and lengthening the legs 🔹 Neck Rolls – softening and releasing neck tension 🔹 Supported Crescent – stretching th...
This may contain: a woman is doing yoga on the floor in front of a brick wall and potted plant
Low Yoga Flow - Learn more @wildroga on Instagram
Release Lower Back Tension & Calm Your Mind ✨Find a practical home yoga flow & mindful movement tips every week to feel your best @andriyannasflow ✨ Feeling stiff and drained after a long WFH day? No surprise—you’ve been probably slouching at a desk, sitting in a chair with poor back support, or scrolling hunched over your phone, for most of the day! Hey, I’m not judging, we’re all guilty of these daily “posture crimes”.🫣 But all that sitting in the same crooked position for hours it ta...