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The Churchill Tommy Gun Surfaces After 74 Years | War History Online
1940: Churchill with a tommy gun in a photo intended to intimidate the Nazis, having them believe these weapons were widely available to the allies (tho they weren't) and that even the Prime Minister was prepared to fight them.
Victorian Fashion : To Bustle Or Not To Bustle
If only Men still dressed like this! Boys today think they have Class well boys swag sounds like you have a funky odor now take a shower and man the Fu*K up
Men's Wear 1790-1829, Plate 010
Mens Wear 1826, Plate 2447 Costume Institute Fashion Plates
24 Men's Vintage Style Ideas For Inspired Clothing - Vintagetopia
Womens Dresss 1850s Victorian
Womens Dresses from 1850's to 1880's. About 1/10 of the photo's from a disc I bought at a Civil War Re-enactment
Kitten Vintage
Look familiar? The late 19th century cultivated a trend for men that would last until well... today. The slightly baggier pants with a solid colored coat became all the rage of this time, and while we don't have their top hats and canes, the template of that look remains in today's business world. Oh yeah, and did I mention? Cravats are gone!
Современный аристократ сегодня -
Доктор Майкл Гезелль – дипломат, опытный предприниматель, путешественник и энтузиаст. Он жил по всей Европе и провел множество встреч с членами аристократических семей – наследниками «нескольких поколений царства старых денег». Он написал интереснейшую статью на тему, которая весьма редко обсуждается – об образе жизни настоящих аристократов и, в частности, об их манере одеваться. Хьюго Жакомет Если вы полагаете, что …
The 1850s in men’s fashion. For men, the introduction of the sack coat as informal daywear and of outfits with matching coat, waistcoat and trousers marked the beginnings of the modern business suit.