Home remedies

If you are one of those who would like more proof that your body needs or does not need iodine, let me share a simple test. But a bottle of Tincture of Iodine at the drug store and paint a 2" square spot on your inner arm. If it disappears in less than eight hours, you desperately need iodine. If it disappears in 24 hours, you also need iodine. If it simply stays on your arm and begins to slowly fade in color after a full 24 hours, you have already reached iodine sufficiency. You can retest yourself every one to two weeks while on therapy. And you can use the test to help you judge your individual dosage need for iodine. Remember that contrary to current medical opinion, the real thyroid experts have proven that most patients who need iodine therapy require from three to 37 mgs/day. And that means from one to 12 Prolamine Iodine tablets daily. Always start out slowly. Judge your results, monitor your symptoms and any side effects, and use the thyroid patch test to help you along the way. Proceed Slowly As discussed, some people are sensitive to the iodine metal. That is why all iodine therapy must be accomplished with a good degree of caution. Use the patch test to help you determine dose. Always start out at a low dose of one Prolamine Iodine tablet daily. Increase your dose slowly-by adding one or two tablets daily each week. If you experience problems or side effects, stop your therapy. If you are like most people and continue to improve, your therapy is effective. Side effects among sensitive individuals include skin irritation; watery eyes, nose, and saliva; nervousness or headache. Some sensitive people can experience tachycardia (racing heart). While iodine therapy has been shown to be a great aid to those with atrial fibrillation, if you experience a racing heart, you must stop iodine therapy immediately. So use the patch test, start slowly, increase your dose slowly and only by one tablet a week (some people need only a tablet or two while others require six to 12 tablets daily). Iodine sufficiency (all tissues with adequate iodine) can require 12 Prolamine Iodine tablets daily for three months. After three months reduce your dose to three per day for a month, then one per day. Watch for problems, watch for improvements, and see for yourself if iodine therapy is the missing link in your stubborn health problems.
22 Pins
Tried it! Evening Primrose Oil
Every woman should be taking --> Evening Primrose Oil. Great Anti-Aging supplement. Will see major improvement in skin tightening and preventing wrinkles. Helps with hormonal acne, PMS, weight control, chronic headaches, menopause, endometriosis, joint pain, diabetes, eczema, MS, infertility, hair, nails, and scalp.
Previous pinner said: A few months ago I stopped using facewash. I use a scrub of baking soda and coconut oil every few days. On the days in between, just coconut oil. I use tiny amounts - a pinch of soda, and a bit of coconut oil the size of a pencil eraser. Wash in gentle, circular motions and rinse very well. Your face may seem oily afterward, but within a few minutes the oil is absorbed and your skin is glowing. My face used to break out regularly. Now, almost never! beauty
Honey and Cinnamon~ A Simple Cold Home Remedy that Kids Love!
Did you know that a teaspoon of honey (raw is best) and a 1/4 teaspoon of cinnamon will usually knock out a cold within a day or two? Take twice a day for 3 days for best results. So many people on the permalink have had good luck with this that I've got to try!
Seated Clasping Neck Stretch
stiff neck? sore back? or hold stress in your shoulders? these are great stretches to relieve pain, soreness & stiffness...I definitely need this
Lip Peeling. Keeps your lips soft. For a person who always has cracked dry lips in the winter, I just tried this, and my lips are super soft!
What Are the Best Images to Use on Pinterest?
Egg yolks won't only make your hair softer, shinier, and healthier, but it helps you to grow it out long as well. Mix 2 egg yolks with 2 tbsp of olive oil, dilute the mixture by adding a cup of water, and then slowly and thoroughly massage this mask into your scalp. Give your hair and scalp 15 to 20 minutes to absorb all the needed nutrients and then rinse off. ~OK, I'll give it a try.
At Home Sunless Tanning
Tanning with tea bags? Why didn't I ever think about dying my skin with tea bags when I was dying paper and fabrics with it? ugh.
Eucalyptus Oil..or how to get everyone to sleep.
it really DOES work. Like gangbusters. Eucalyptus oil on the bottom of the feet (and I put a few drops on the pillow, for good measure), and coughs are GONE. My hacking, waking-up-every-half-hour-asthmatic baby girl is currently sound asleep, thanks to this. Do it.