INFJ Personality Type

This board is dedicated to sharing INFJ personality, infj humor, infj aesthetics, infj personality type, infj female, infj woman, infj traits, MBTI compatibility, myers briggs types, 16 personalities, and socionics IEI personality charts.
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Dr. Dario Nardi INFJ Subtypes (Socionics DCNH) - Quest In
What are INFJ subtypes? The psychological subtypes were originally introduced by Viktor Gulenko, but Dr. Dario Nardi expanded upon the framework in his latest released book Decode Your Personality (2024). The four subtypes are INFJ-D (dominant), INFJ-C (creative), INFJ-N (normalizing), and INFJ-H (harmonizing) Viktor Gulenko’s subtype theory explains why “you will see that, despite the shared type, some will be more active, others more passive, some more resourceful, and others more reserved, etc.” In this article, you’ll find a quick summary of the distinctions between the 4 INFJ subtypes according to Dr. Dario Nardi’s brain research.
Dr. Dario Nardi INTJ Subtypes (Socionics DCNH) - Quest In
INFJ Personality Type: Ni-Fe-Ti-Se (16 Personalities MBTI)
Visit my site for INFJ articles, INFJ aesthetics, & 16 personalities quizzes! Check out my YouTube channel too for videos to learn more about INFJs & MBTI compatibility.
INFJ Personality Type: Ni-Fe-Ti-Se (16 Personalities MBTI)
Visit my site for INFJ articles, INFJ aesthetics, & 16 personalities quizzes! Check out my YouTube channel too for videos to learn more about INFJs & MBTI compatibility.
7 Simple Tips for INFJ Self Care - Quest In
INFJ Dating Guide (5 Dating Tips) - Quest In
INFJ Dating Guide (5 Dating Tips) - Quest In