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Advanced Leg Workout
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This may contain: a woman is doing squats in the gym
6 moves for legday 🦵
strenght + balance 🟢
This may contain: a woman in red shorts standing next to a gym machine with the caption do you discovery the craziest movement that targets the guts and inner thighs?
Plié squats are it 🥵🔥🫶🏼
Here’s what’s on next weeks schedule: • MONDAY - Lower Body • TUESDAY - Upper Body • WEDNESDAY - Cardio & Core • THURSDAY - Shoulders & Glutes • FRIDAY - Full Body
This may contain: a woman squats on a barbell with the words back & hips full workout 1 bent over bb row
Back & Biceps Full Workout
Pinterest Exclusive! Use code PINTEREST to get an entire month free on the Coach Tara App! Normally only 7 days. Get free access immediately! Applicable only via this link:
506K views · 8.1K reactions | Ain’t no such thing as an “underbutt muscle” guys. 😂 Watch this to understand how your glute muscles work! #glutes #gluteusmaximus #gluteusmedius... | By Coach Tara Garrison | Okay, want to clear something up real quick because I am like a little bit appalled that this day and age, we still have people out there teaching things like how to work your underbutt, okay? So, let's talk about this and what that really means, okay? There's no such thing as an underbutt muscle, okay? You don't have like an extra muscle right here that's your underbutt. If you are trying to work on the lower part of your glutes, all of this, all of this is your gluteus maximus, okay? So, if you're trying to more glute growth right here. You want to work your glute max, okay? Then we have our, I actually heard somebody on TikTok saying that like your underbutt was your glute medius and I'm like, no dude or I think they said glute minimus. Those are up here, okay? So, what do these things do? Once you know what they do, then you can train them, right? So, I want to teach you guys that. So, your glute max. One of the strongest muscles in your body is responsible for hip extension. So, right here, my hips are flexed. This is called hip flexion, okay? And the glutes, max is responsible for hip extension, okay? So, coming here in a loaded position, weight is in your heels, coming up to hip extension or running, sprinting where you're extending your hips, those are going to work your glute max, right? So, deadlifts are great, right? We're going to come here, weights in your heels. Boom. Going into hip flexion. Real quick side note on that. People ask all the time. Do I need to squeeze my butt at the top. Think about it. If your glute max is responsible for hip extension and this is actually the easiest part on your glutes. Just squeezing it like that. I mean, So, I'm doing a lot. You know what I mean? It's good to squeeze sometimes so you can increase your nervous system connection. Your neuronal connection to your glute muscles but like this is not where the exercise is getting the benefit. It's getting the benefit back here where it's loaded and you have to come out of flexion into extension, okay? So, just stand up. Okay. Glute medius is responsible for helping you abduct and externally rotate, okay? So, as your glute minimus runs underneath of that, they're up here. So, doing like XB walks intentionally not I'm not working my glute you want to I can even put a band right here but intentionally stepping out like like that will start working my glute media so abduction type movements but remember those are they're really important to help stabilize your your entire pelvis you want to work those too but remember they're up here they're not your underbutt okay so anything if you're trying to work this whole big huge portion of booty. That's glute max, okay? No such thing as an underbutt. Okay, bye guys.
Ain’t no such thing as an “underbutt muscle” guys. 😂 Watch this to understand how your glute muscles work! #glutes #gluteusmaximus #gluteusmedius... | By Coach Tara Garrison | Facebook | Okay, want to clear something up real quick because I am like a little bit appalled that this day and age, we still have people out there teaching things like how to work your underbutt, okay? So, let's talk about this and what that really means, okay? There's no such thing as an underbutt muscle, okay? You don