
220 Pins
Poblano Chicken Chili
If you're craving a cozy bowl of something comforting and warming, this poblano chicken chili is for you. It's got a lot going for it: a velvety creamy texture, tender bites of chicken, hearty beans, and roasted poblano peppers. Altogether, it makes for a delicious winter warmer.
882K views · 16K reactions | After food poisoning did me in for about 48 hours, this wonton soup brought me back to life🥣 You can add just this recipe however you’d like by omitting or adding veggies, adding in ground meat, other types of pot stickers, etc.👏🏻 It’s super easy, and super tasty!😋 | Girl Gone Grilling
Potsticker Soup
This cozy potsticker soup recipe comes together in just 25 minutes and is easy to customize with your favorite dumplings and veggies. Enjoy!