Star Trek Certificates

All of the Certificates shown were designed and developed by me, using logos and symbols available across the internet. If I have used any copyrighted material, it remains the intellectual property of the original artist, designer or owner.
655 Pins
13 Sections
Leadership Diploma - Leadership 2 - Prime Directive & First Contact
Leadership Diploma - Leadership 3 - Discipline & Ethics
Leadership Diploma - Leadership 4 - Command & Control
Combat Diploma - Close Range Defensive & Combat Techniques
Combat Diploma - Special Operations & Tactics
Combat Diploma - Military Assault Command Operations (MACO)
Combat Diploma - Planetary & Special Environments Survival
Combat Diploma - Search and Rescue (SAR)
Combat Diploma - Survival, Evasion, Resistance & Escape (SERE)
Combat Diploma - Tactical Ship Boarding & Zero Gravity Combat
Communications Diploma - Polygraphic Sustitution Systems