Eco Friendly Gifts

21 Best Sustainable Gifts Ideas For Mother’s Day
This gift guide is for you if you’re always thinking about the environment. You won’t be disappointed with any of these presents if you are a zero-waste devotee like me or an environmentalist.
Zero waste Valentine’s Day ideas
You know people tend to gift perfumes, roses, wine, huge teddy bears, gift cards, red balloons, and much more. Even though they look and sound romantic, most of the gifts are unsustainable and usually come with plastics. #valentinesday #zerowastevalentinesday #valentinesdaygift #valentinesdaydesserts #zerowasteliving
Great eco-friendly gift wrapping ideas
These three great eco-friendly gift wrapping ideas are easy and practical for your holiday gifts this year. These materials can be reusable or made with biodegradable materials.
Zero waste Valentine’s Day ideas
The ultimate goal of this post is to touch the soul of your partner and to increase the bond with your love and refresh your dull love life into something special which should be felt on all the 365 days of the year and not just on valentine’s day. And most importantly to spend valentine’s day sustainably. #valentinesday #zerowastevalentinesday #valentinesdaygift #valentinesdaydesserts #zerowasteliving
Zero waste Christmas – From Tree, Gifts, Decor to Food
Before buying anything, donate the things which are lying untouched at your home. Donate your old clothes, toys, books and other kinds of stuff which are not used more than a year. This duration of 1 year says itself that you don’t need them in the future too. #zerowastechristmas #zerowasteholidays #zerowastegift #zerowastedecors #sustainablechristmas #zerowasteshoping
Zero waste Valentine’s Day ideas
The ultimate goal of this post is to touch the soul of your partner and to increase the bond with your love and refresh your dull love life into something special which should be felt on all the 365 days of the year and not just on valentine’s day. And most importantly to spend valentine’s day sustainably. #valentinesday #zerowastevalentinesday #valentinesdaygift #valentinesdaydesserts #zerowasteliving
Zero waste Valentine’s Day ideas
The ultimate goal of this post is to touch the soul of your partner and increase the bond with your love and refresh your dull love life into something special which should be felt on all 365 days of the year and not just on Valentine’s Day. And most importantly to spend Valentine’s Day sustainably. #valentinesday #zerowastevalentinesday #valentinesdaygift #valentinesdaydesserts #zerowasteliving
Zero waste Valentine’s Day ideas
The ultimate goal of this post is to touch the soul of your partner and increase the bond with your love and refresh your dull love life into something special which should be felt on all 365 days of the year and not just on Valentine’s day. And most importantly to spend Valentine’s day sustainably. #valentinesday #zerowastevalentinesday #valentinesdaygift #valentinesdaydesserts #zerowasteliving
Zero waste Valentine’s Day ideas
The ultimate goal of this post is to touch the soul of your partner and to increase the bond with your love and refresh your dull love life into something special which should be felt on all the 365 days of the year and not just on valentine’s day. And most importantly to spend valentine’s day sustainably. #valentinesday #zerowastevalentinesday #valentinesdaygift #valentinesdaydesserts #zerowasteliving
Zero waste Valentine’s Day ideas
You know people tend to gift perfumes, roses, wine, huge teddy bears, gift cards, red balloons and much more. Even though they look and sound romantic, most of the gifts are unsustainable and usually comes with plastics. #valentinesday #zerowastevalentinesday #valentinesdaygift #valentinesdaydesserts #zerowasteliving
Zero waste Valentine’s Day ideas
The ultimate goal of this post is to touch the soul of your partner and increase the bond with your love and refresh your dull love life into something special which should be felt on all 365 days of the year and not just on Valentine’s Day. And most importantly to spend Valentine’s Day sustainably. #valentinesday #zerowastevalentinesday #valentinesdaygift #valentinesdaydesserts #zerowasteliving
Zero waste Valentine’s Day ideas
The ultimate goal of this post is to touch the soul of your partner and increase the bond with your love and refresh your dull love life into something special which should be felt on all 365 days of the year and not just on Valentine’s Day. And most importantly to spend Valentine’s Day sustainably. #valentinesday #zerowastevalentinesday #valentinesdaygift #valentinesdaydesserts #zerowasteliving
Zero waste Christmas – From Tree, Gifts, Decor to Food
Christmas is approaching and we are excited to meet our friends and family. We’re already enjoying by eating our candies, decorating the Christmas tree and especially having lots of food!!! Of course, there is a lot when comes to Christmas. #zerowastechristmas #zerowasteholidays #zerowastegift #zerowastedecors #sustainablechristmas #zerowasteshoping