BibTeX record journals/corr/abs-2008-11505

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  author       = {Juepeng Zheng and
                  Haohuan Fu and
                  Weijia Li and
                  Wenzhao Wu and
                  Yi Zhao and
                  Runmin Dong and
                  Le Yu},
  title        = {Cross-regional oil palm tree counting and detection via multi-level
                  attention domain adaptation network},
  journal      = {CoRR},
  volume       = {abs/2008.11505},
  year         = {2020},
  url          = {},
  eprinttype    = {arXiv},
  eprint       = {2008.11505},
  timestamp    = {Mon, 24 Oct 2022 16:36:35 +0200},
  biburl       = {},
  bibsource    = {dblp computer science bibliography,}