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Easy Learning German Verbs: Trusted support for learning
Easy Learning German Verbs: Trusted support for learning
Easy Learning German Verbs: Trusted support for learning
eBook303 Seiten17 Stunden

Easy Learning German Verbs: Trusted support for learning

Bewertung: 0 von 5 Sternen


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Über dieses E-Book

Perfect for German revision offering beginners a clear and easy-to-understand guide to German verbs.

The main section of the book consists of 200 fully conjugated verbs, regular and irregular, weak and strong. Each is self-contained, showing all the major tenses, clearly set out with pronouns. The tables also tell you if the verb is weak or strong and if it takes the auxiliary "haben" or "sein". New German spellings are included throughout.

There is a special section on modal and auxiliary verbs, as well as an extensive introduction on the formation and use of tenses in German. A full alphabetical index of all the most widely used German verbs cross-refers the user to its basic model in the verb tables.

  • Have confidence: shows all the major tenses of the most important verbs in German in full.
  • Get it right: Hundreds of examples of real German show exactly how each verb is actually used.
  • Get there fast: Specially designed for eReaders, including iPad, with a clear, colour layout.
HerausgeberHarperCollins UK
Erscheinungsdatum5. Mai 2016
Easy Learning German Verbs: Trusted support for learning

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