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Piano playing by chords part 91: O sacred Head, now wounded
Piano playing by chords part 91: O sacred Head, now wounded
Piano playing by chords part 91: O sacred Head, now wounded
eBook34 Seiten5 Minuten

Piano playing by chords part 91: O sacred Head, now wounded

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Über dieses E-Book

Passion Songs

" O sacred Head, now wounded, with grief and shame weighed down, Now scornfully surrounded with thorns, Thine only crown "


" O Christ, Who on the Tree The sins of mankind beared'st,

Lord Jesu, thanks to Thee For anguish, keenest, rarest, For all the agony "


" Christ is risen from all his torments, we should all be joyful at this,

Christ wants to be our consolation "


Erscheinungsdatum26. Feb. 2021
Piano playing by chords part 91: O sacred Head, now wounded

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    Piano playing by chords part 91 - Erich Gutmann

    How to use it

     For all of you, who has never (or not good enough) learnt to play piano, but already have a piano (or something like that) at home, you can now exercise to play piano on a chord leavel, especially by the right hand:

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    After writing 100 ebooks Teil 1 = part 1 to Teil 101 = part 101, I thought its time to start ut everytings in english.

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