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401 (EN) • 15 years of VIERKLANG • Michael Portz

401 (EN) • 15 years of VIERKLANG • Michael Portz


401 (EN) • 15 years of VIERKLANG • Michael Portz


23 Minuten
10. Juli 2023


Wherefore do I need a strategy model?

A strategy model can serve as a collaborative tool that harnesses the collective intellectual power of everyone in my team to reach our desired destination.

I can apply the "Vierklang" model, consisting of Purpose, Vision, Values, and Strategies, both for my company and for myself. This provides direction to my life and my team. The "Vierklang" enables us to:

• Foster collaboration and inclusion of all team members,
• Facilitate an effective process for quick decision-making,
• As a pleasant byproduct, motivate individuals who support and understand the strategy.

With my team, I shift into implementation mode and together we contribute to creating a company that fulfills its purpose and transforms the industry.

In this episode of the Chief of Anything podcast titled "Vierklang," I get to know Kathrin and Dominik, who, along with Michael, introduce the "greatest strategy model of all time." In the upcoming episodes of this podcast, I will hear stories from CEOs, company owners, and founders about how this model has transformed their businesses.

**About the Podcasters**

Michael on LinkedIn:
► http://www.linkedin.com/in/michael-portz-362209

Christian on LinkedIn:
► http://linkedin.com/in/christiankohlhof

Dominik auf LinkedIn:

Kathrin auf LinkedIn:

**Our Book**

CHIEF OF ANYTHING: How Relaxed-Productive Leadership Improves the World
Order it today on Amazon:
► https://amzn.to/2Z5IIXh

**About the CoA Academy**

For more information about the Academy, our seminars, and the CHIEF OF THE YEAR Remote Leadership Program, visit our website:
► https://coa.academy


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10. Juli 2023

Titel in dieser Serie (100)

CHIEF OF ANYTHING ist der Podcast und das Buch für mich. Zusammen mit anderen Menschen will ich entspannt UND produktiv sein, und ich bin dafür bereit mutig und mit Herz Führung zu übernehmen - im Business und im Leben. CHIEF OF ANYTHING gibt es als Podcast, Buch und Seminar bei der CoA Academy - von und mit Christian Kohlhof und Michael Portz.