Fragen über die Beispielsätze mit, und die Definition und Benutzung von "Rebellion"
Die Bedeutung von "Rebellion" in verschiedenen Ausdrücken und Sätzen
Was bedeutet I've got a rebellion to lead?
A rebellion is when you go against the current goverment.
To lead is to be the person in charge.
So this person is in change of a movement against the government.
To lead is to be the person in charge.
So this person is in change of a movement against the government.
Beispielsätze die "Rebellion" benutzen
Bitte zeige mir Beispielsätze mit rebellion - puffed up.
He had scarcely entered on his duties when the rebellion of June broke out in Prague.
Bitte zeige mir Beispielsätze mit rebellion.
Many history books contain lessons about famous rebellions.
When someone is unhappy with the way things are going they could start a rebellion.
Teenagers are infamous for being rebellious against their parents.
When someone is unhappy with the way things are going they could start a rebellion.
Teenagers are infamous for being rebellious against their parents.
Ähnliche Wörter wie "Rebellion" und ihre Unterschiede
Was ist der Unterschied zwischen rebellion und revolt ?
Rebellion and revolt both involve taking action against a government or ruler, but there is one important difference.
The goal of a rebellion is to escape, avoid, or demand changes to an oppressive power (억압적인 힘).
- The goal of the rebellion was to receive the right to artistic expression.
- After the rebellion the government changed their law so that it allowed freedom of speech.
The goal of a revolt is to overthrow the oppressive power (억압적인 힘) and destroy it.
- The goal of the revolt was to allow the people to pick their own leader once the current one was overthrown.
- After the revolt there was no government so the people began planning a new system to put in place.
Hope this makes sense! :)
The goal of a rebellion is to escape, avoid, or demand changes to an oppressive power (억압적인 힘).
- The goal of the rebellion was to receive the right to artistic expression.
- After the rebellion the government changed their law so that it allowed freedom of speech.
The goal of a revolt is to overthrow the oppressive power (억압적인 힘) and destroy it.
- The goal of the revolt was to allow the people to pick their own leader once the current one was overthrown.
- After the revolt there was no government so the people began planning a new system to put in place.
Hope this makes sense! :)
Was ist der Unterschied zwischen rebellion und revoke ?
Armed resistance to an established government or ruler.
Example: The government is doing its best to stop rebellion in the country.
Example: To cancel or invalidate by withdrawing or reversing.
Your driver's license will be revoked.
Armed resistance to an established government or ruler.
Example: The government is doing its best to stop rebellion in the country.
Example: To cancel or invalidate by withdrawing or reversing.
Your driver's license will be revoked.
Was ist der Unterschied zwischen rebellion und riot ?
Rebellion --> you're rebelling AGAINST something
E.g. the people of a country rebelling against the government, or a child rebelling against their parents
A riot is a violent public disturbance - it may be triggered by something, or in reaction to something, but doesn't have to be
E.g. the people of a country rebelling against the government, or a child rebelling against their parents
A riot is a violent public disturbance - it may be triggered by something, or in reaction to something, but doesn't have to be
Übersetzungen von "Rebellion"
Wie sagt man das auf Englisch (US)? He has to be made foolish by the rebellion.
Does this sound natural?
Does this sound natural?
Can you please provide more context? :)
Wie sagt man das auf Englisch (UK)? rebellion
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Andere Fragen zu "Rebellion"
rebellion against lawful authority ;
a) mutiny
b) revolution
c) coup
d) dissidence
could you tell me the correct one and also why not the other 3 ?
a) mutiny
b) revolution
c) coup
d) dissidence
could you tell me the correct one and also why not the other 3 ?
This is a good question. The first 3 are interchangeable (meaning you can use either one generally) although they invoke different images to me, a mutiny and a coup are more specific actions of outing a government or leader, a revolution is a bigger movement that doesn't have to be direct action against a lawful authority it could be a revolution in other ways. A dissidence or a dissident is a less common word that generally just means someone or some movement that disagrees or goes against the official or present policy, I would avoid using dissidence unless you really understood why you were using it.
What does it mean when a rebellion proves fatal?
proves fatal - leads to death
What does it mean when a rebellion proves fatal?
The rebellion was fatal/deadly.
To be a rebellion person that mean you consider under odd people. Which is anyone can disparage. However there are classes of insubordination but One of the dangerous group is that rebellion
Jailbirds. They are different because of their personality,what people think about them and appearance. klingt das natürlich?
Jailbirds. They are different because of their personality,what people think about them and appearance. klingt das natürlich?
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