Sie sehen sich mit Beschwerden von Studenten über die Benotungskriterien konfrontiert. Wie können Sie ihre Beschwerden effektiv angehen?
Wenn Schüler Bedenken hinsichtlich der Benotung äußern, ist es wichtig, sich konstruktiv zu engagieren und Probleme zu lösen. So bewältigen Sie Missstände effektiv:
- Klären Sie die Benotungskriterien , indem Sie detaillierte Rubriken und Beispiele bereitstellen, um das Verständnis zu gewährleisten.
- Bieten Sie konstruktives Feedback , das den Schülern hilft, ihre Arbeit zu verbessern.
- Etablieren Sie eine Politik der offenen Tür für die Diskussion von Noten und fördern Sie einen Dialog, der die Perspektiven der Schüler wertschätzt.
Wie gehen Sie mit Benotungsstreitigkeiten in Ihrem Klassenzimmer um? Tauschen Sie sich mit anderen Pädagogen aus und tauschen Sie sich über Strategien aus.
Sie sehen sich mit Beschwerden von Studenten über die Benotungskriterien konfrontiert. Wie können Sie ihre Beschwerden effektiv angehen?
Wenn Schüler Bedenken hinsichtlich der Benotung äußern, ist es wichtig, sich konstruktiv zu engagieren und Probleme zu lösen. So bewältigen Sie Missstände effektiv:
- Klären Sie die Benotungskriterien , indem Sie detaillierte Rubriken und Beispiele bereitstellen, um das Verständnis zu gewährleisten.
- Bieten Sie konstruktives Feedback , das den Schülern hilft, ihre Arbeit zu verbessern.
- Etablieren Sie eine Politik der offenen Tür für die Diskussion von Noten und fördern Sie einen Dialog, der die Perspektiven der Schüler wertschätzt.
Wie gehen Sie mit Benotungsstreitigkeiten in Ihrem Klassenzimmer um? Tauschen Sie sich mit anderen Pädagogen aus und tauschen Sie sich über Strategien aus.
To address student complaints about grading criteria effectively, I would: Listen Actively: Invite students to share their concerns, ensuring they feel heard and respected. Clarify Criteria: Review and explain the grading criteria clearly, pointing to specific examples where possible. Offer Solutions: If adjustments are needed, consider fair changes, such as additional feedback opportunities or grade reviews. Promote Transparency: Communicate any changes or clarifications openly and ensure consistent application moving forward. This approach demonstrates empathy, transparency, and a commitment to fair evaluation, fostering a positive and productive learning environment.
To address student complaints about grading criteria, I’d first listen actively to understand their concerns and ensure they feel heard. I would then clearly explain the grading rubric and how it aligns with course objectives, offering examples to illustrate. If necessary, I’d review individual cases transparently, providing constructive feedback. By fostering an open dialogue and being willing to make adjustments when appropriate, I’d work to ensure students feel the grading process is fair, transparent, and consistent with their learning goals.
Sometimes students hold fixed beliefs about their abilities or intelligence that equate certain qualities with their identity, e.g., being a smart person or an ‘A’ student. These beliefs lead students to assume that they will always perform well, regardless of their effort and even in the face of evidence to the contrary. Indeed, such beliefs about learning and intelligence can affect the learning behaviors students engage in (e.g., giving little time to prepare for an assignment or exam because they believe they are “good at this subject”).
As an equity-minded educator I often see misunderstandings stem from unclear expectations. I would review the grading criteria in detail, using examples if possible, to ensure students understand how their work will be evaluated. Providing clear rubrics and examples of different grade levels can also demystify expectations. This all starts with listening to the students to better understand where their grievances are rooted from.
सबसे पहले ग्रेडिंग के पैरामीटर्स बताए जाएं ताकि की स्टूडेंट्स को पता हो कि ग्रेडिंग कैसे की जाएगी। ग्रेडिंग करते समय अपनी सहूलियत के लिए मैं हमेशा नोट्स या पॉइंटर्स लिख लेती हूँ ताकि भविष्य में कोई सवाल हो तो मैं कारण बात सकूं। किसी स्टूडेंट को समस्या हो तो वह पूछ सकता है। कमियों के साथ हीं उसे बेहतर कैसे किया जा सकता है, भी बताती हूँ। आखिर में, यदि कोई स्टूडेंट दुबारा काम देना चाहता है,और यदि मेरे लिए भी मुमकिन हो, तो उसे एक मौका और दिया जा सकता है।
Para lidar de forma eficaz com reclamações de alunos sobre os critérios de classificação, é essencial adotar uma abordagem empática e transparente. Primeiro, ouça atentamente as preocupações dos alunos, permitindo que expressem suas frustrações sem interrupções, o que já promove um ambiente de respeito e confiança. Em seguida, explique detalhadamente os critérios de classificação, ressaltando os objetivos pedagógicos e as competências que cada critério busca avaliar. Se possível, apresente exemplos práticos de como esses critérios são aplicados. Além disso, ofereça feedback construtivo e individualizado para que os alunos compreendam onde podem melhorar.
En mi caso, cuando la evaluación es escrita, al momento de las devoluciones individuales de los exámenes comparto con los estudiantes un documento que contiene una especie de muestra de las respuestas esperadas, con el fin de que ellos cotejen sus tareas y hagan su propio diagnóstico. A partir de allí se abre un espacio de diálogo en caso de que tuvieran dudas sobre el criterio empleado en la calificación. Si el examen es oral, su fluidez e inmediatez permiten hacer de manera sincronica un análisis con el alumno para explicar cómo fue su rendimiento y la calificación atribuida. Allí también se enseña, porque lo aprovecho para compartir contenido de la materia que (por lo observado en la evaluación) tal vez no se aprendió suficientemente.
Arif ud din PhD, MS, MBA, MSc
Assistant Professor of Project Management | PhD in Management Sciences
Honestly speaking I am not in the favour of this existing grading/Marks system.Now a days, what i am observing in the class students are more concerning regard Grades and least interested in knowledge gaining and skills enhancement. However, I preferred tò Mark/grade One Quiz or assignment in the class by discusing individuali with the concern student tò highlights the area of improvement.Moreover, some time I also share the best assignment and Quiz tò the whole class.
Listening to students is highly important, in order to feel seen and heard. Then I will express how sorry I am for their own feelings. Then I’ll explain the grading criteria which is based on the rubric.. finally, I’ll give them constructive feedback and how to enhance their performance in the next submission
Effective handling of grade disputes may foster a supporting learning environment for students to learn effectively. We have to be transparent in grading. Grading is best done based on a clearly shown how points assigned to different parts of any assignment are made. When their expectations are well known in advance, there is less cause for confusion. We have to encourage open communication to set up a welcoming process for students to talk about grades, perhaps through office hours or specific times they can meet with us. Teach Self-Reflection to review and reflect on the work against the feedback before disputing a grade. By remaining respectful, gradings can sometimes feel personal, so remain calm and respectful when responding.
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