„Andrei Fridrichowitsch Borodin“ – Versionsunterschied

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'''Andrey Borodin''' (born Moscow,* 1967) isin aMoskau) prominentist Russianein financier,russischer economistBankier. andBis businessman2011 whowar untiler 2011Präsident was President ofder [[Bank of Moscow]].<ref>{{cite web|url=http://www.forbes.com/profile/andrei-borodin |title=Andrei Borodin |publisher=Forbes |date= |accessdate=2011-08-14}}</ref> His oustingNach asder PresidentÜbernahme wasder precipitatedBank byof theMoscow takeoverdurch ofdie Bankvon ofder Moscowrussischen Regierung bykontrollierte [[VTB]], awurde RussianBorodin state-controlledals bankPräsident entlassen. Nach Borodin has argued that theBorodins takeoverAngaben waswar politicallydie motivatedÜbernahme andpolitisch violatedmotiviert Russianund lawgesetzwidrig.<ref name="andrey-borodin1">{{cite web|url=http://andrey-borodin.com/Comment_and_Updates.htm |title=Official Site |publisher=Andrey Borodin |date= |accessdate=2011-08-14}}</ref>Zurzeit Helebt currently liveser in London. andDie isrussischen wantedBehörden bywerfen theihm RussianMissmanagement authoritieswährend onseiner chargesVerantwortung relatingfür to mismanagement during his stewardship ofdie Bank of Moscow vor.<ref>{{cite news|url=http://www.ft.com/cms/s/0/9a7d06fe-7676-11e0-b05b-00144feabdc0.html#axzz1TCdjY1iC |title= Europe - Russian arrest warrant for bank chief |newspaper=Financial Times |publisher=Ft.com |date=2011-05-04 |accessdate=2011-08-14}}</ref>
== Education and early career==
Nach dem Militärdienst studierte Borodin Internationale Ökonomie und Finanzen am [[Moskauer Finanzinstitut]], wo er 1990 seinen Abschluss machte. 1989/90 studierte er an der [[Universität Passau]]. Für die Dresdner Bank arbeitete er in einem 18-monatigen Trainingskurs in Dortmund, danach arbeitete er in der Frankfurter Zentrale der Bank. Er verließ die Dresdner Bank Ende 1993 and arbeitete ab März 1994 für die [[Moskau]]er Stadtregierung als Wirtschafts- und Finanzberater für den Bürgermeister [[Juri Luschkow]].<ref>{{cite web|url=http://andrey-borodin.com/About.htm |title=Official Site |publisher=Andrey Borodin |date= |accessdate=2011-08-14}}</ref>
InSeine 1991, followingVerbindung militaryzu serviceLuschkow, Borodinder graduatedseit inseinem InternationalRauswurf Economicsals andMoskauer FinanceBürgermeister from the International Economics Department at the Moscow Finance Institute. From 1989-1990 he was a visiting student at the University of Passau, Germany. He worked for Dresdner Bank in Germany on an 18-month training course in Dortmund. He then moved to Frankfurt to work at the bank’s head office in the Financial Institutions Department. He left Dresdner Bank in late 1993 and in March 1994 started working for the Government of Moscow as an economics and finance adviser to the Mayor of Moscow,durch [[YuryDimitri LuzhkovMedwedjew]].<ref>{{cite web|url=http://andrey-borodin.com/About.htm2010 |title=Official Site |publisher=Andrey Borodin |date= |accessdate=2011-08-14}}</ref> His links with Luzhkov, currentlyeine ''persona non grata'' in RussiaRussland since his sacking by [[Dmitry Medvedev]] in 2010ist, have been important forbestimmte bothBorodins hisAufstieg riseund andseine currentderzeitigen problemsProbleme.<ref>{{cite web|last=Levy |first=Clifford J. |url=http://www.nytimes.com/2010/09/29/world/europe/29moscow.html |title=Russia’s President Fires Moscow’s Mayor |location=Moscow (Russia);Russia |publisher=NYTimes.com |date=2010-09-28 |accessdate=2011-08-14}}</ref><ref>{{cite news|first=Will |last=Stewart |url=http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1373736/Moscow-banker-Borodin-flees-London-politically-motivated-police-probe-loan.html |title=Moscow banker Borodin flees to London over 'politically motivated' police probe into loan |newspaper=Daily Mail |publisher=Dailymail.co.uk |date=2011-06-04 |accessdate=2011-08-14}}</ref>
== Bank of Moscow==
Als Sechs-Personen-Unternehmen 1995 durch die Moskauer Stadtverwaltung gegründet, wurde die Bank of Moscow zu einem der Marktführer in Russland, an der Borodin ursprünglich einen Anteil von 51% hielt. Unter der Führung von Borodin und mit der politischen Unterstützung von Luschkow meisterte die Bank die Krise von 1998 und wuchs im folgenden schnell von einer lokalen Bank für die Stadtverwaltung zu einer landesweiten Bank mit einer deutlich vergrößerten Kundenbasis und einem breiten Dienstleistungsangebot.
What became one of the biggest players in Russian banking began as a six-person operation founded in 1995 by the Moscow City Government, which originally held a 51% stake. Under the political patronage of Luzhkov and the leadership of Borodin it weathered the crisis of 1998 and subsequently grew rapidly from a local bank largely serving the City Government to a national bank with a greatly enlarged client base and offering a broad range of services. The bank became increasingly independent of the City Government, which in 2008 reduced its stake to 46.6%, with a corresponding reduction in the number of bank-appointed directors. As the bank expanded, Borodin and his ally Lev Alaluev purchased significant stakes of their own. Bank of Moscow enjoyed the confidence of the international markets, with both Goldman Sachs and Credit Suisse acquiring small stakes in 2010 (3.88% and 2.77% respectively).<ref>{{cite web|url=http://www.reuters.com/article/2010/07/27/us-russia-bankofmoscow-idUSTRE66Q4OI20100727 |title=Goldman Sachs, CS buy stakes in Bank of Moscow |publisher=Reuters |date=2010-07-27 |accessdate=2011-08-14}}</ref>
Die Bank wurde immer unabhängiger von der Stadtverwaltung, die 2008 ihren Anteil auf 46,6% reduzierte und entsprechend weniger Einfluss auf die Besetzung des Vorstands nahm. Während die Bank expandierte, erwarben Borodin und sein Partner Lev Alualev wesentliche Anteile. Die Bank of Moscaw erfreute sich des Vertrauens der internationalen Märkte, so erwarben [[Goldman Sachs]] und [[Credit Suisse]] 2010 kleinere Anteile (3.88% bzw. 2.77% respectively).<ref>{{cite web|url=http://www.reuters.com/article/2010/07/27/us-russia-bankofmoscow-idUSTRE66Q4OI20100727 |title=Goldman Sachs, CS buy stakes in Bank of Moscow |publisher=Reuters |date=2010-07-27 |accessdate=2011-08-14}}</ref>
When Luzhkov was sacked in September 2010, the new administration of his successor, [[Sergei Sobyanin]] - and by implication the Federal government of Medvedev which had appointed him - soon acted against Bank of Moscow. The City Government announced its intention to sell its stake and VTB, a state-controlled bank whose supervisory board includes leading figures in the Presidential administration, stepped up as a buyer, announcing its intention to acquire 100% of the bank, an ambition it later scaled down, though it acquired control. Other banks, such as Alfa Bank, also expressed interest.<ref>{{cite web|url=http://alfabank.com/media/news/2011/01/24/ |title=Alfa-Bank intends to buy 100% stake in the Bank of Moscow |publisher=Alfabank.com |date=2011-01-24 |accessdate=2011-08-14}}</ref> The VTB takeover was opposed by Borodin. In December, before the sale of the City Government's stake proceeded, the Audit Chamber of the Russian Federation unusually announced that it had launched an audit of Bank of Moscow at Sobyanin's request and an investigation was initiated into a loan provided by the bank to Premier Estate Company. This loan was later used as the basis of criminal charges against Borodin. VTB purchased the City Government's stake at the end of February 2011. Borodin has contested the legality of this on a number of grounds, including that competitive tender ought to have been used to maximise the share price. Borodin and his allies were dismissed and VTB's Chairman Andrey Kostin and first deputy Mikhail Kuzovlev became the Bank’s Chairman of the Board of Directors and President respectively. Borodin asked that his outstanding remuneration be paid to a children's charity he had founded; this has not happened. In April he announced that he had sold Vitaly Yusufov the 20.32% stake held by Alaluev and himself, complaining that he had been forced to sell at a knock-down price because of the pressure put upon him.<ref>{{cite news|url=http://en.rian.ru/business/20110411/163469579.html |title=Borodin sells Bank of Moscow stake at knock-down price - Vedomosti &#124; Business |publisher=RIA Novosti |date=2011-04-11 |accessdate=2011-08-14}}</ref>